Example sentences of "he seemed [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He seemed to explode out of the chair , pacing to and fro as if he could not be still .
2 Neither of us spoke after that , Ward smoking in silence , and then , when he had finished his cigarette , he seemed to drift off to sleep again .
3 He seemed to recover considerably after Paheri left home .
4 He seemed to shift slightly , and his gaze became shuttered as he answered quickly , ‘ Absolutely not .
5 He heard a gasp from the crowd of people gathered below , he seemed to hang forever in mid-air and then , miraculously , he was crashing down on to the opposite roof .
6 He seemed to lay down rules and regulations .
7 He seemed to weigh up her words , then smiled thoughtfully .
8 I am not sure if Sir Henry Wood conducted it , for at that time he seemed to conduct only the first item of a concert , and then ceded the podium to Basil Cameron .
9 Sometimes he seemed to act almost as his " representative on earth " ; when Cecil Day Lewis was asked by The Times to compose Eliot 's obituary , he suggested to Hayward that they collaborate upon it .
10 There were many kinds and each day he seemed to notice more .
11 Ace was n't willing to trust Dubois further than she could throw him , since he seemed to use much the same methods as their enemies ; perhaps that meant he was no better than them .
12 He seemed to settle finally for us , us being the police , or at least the fact-seekers and , clearing his throat , he told me that his men with grappling irons and magnets had missed finding the floorboards the first time , probably because the floorboards were n't magnetic .
13 In the cause of historical justice , it should be noticed how he seemed always to feel obliged to express caution about too readily assigning to the cosmical redshift all the attributes of an ordinary velocity shift ; at the same time he seemed to wish not positively to offer any alternative treatment .
14 He seemed to relax more after he had spoken , to be less fixedly focused on the empty road .
15 She had been surprised when he seemed to join in so easily .
16 But suddenly he seemed to blossom out and take weight , like a ghost deciding to cross back over the frontier from the land of death .
17 Stove and sink were immediately adjacent in the tiny galley , and he seemed to take up more than his fair share of space .
18 Lucie 's blacked eye was tight closed , and he seemed to take particularly unkindly to the bumps .
19 He seemed to go out of his mind completely , raving about every imaginable topic from the Calcutta races to Dr McNab 's diabolical treatment of cholera .
20 Every night , he seemed to go out to posh nightclubs , to restaurants and to major pop concerts .
21 With one minute for five moves , however , he seemed to wake up , launching a counter-attack which forced a draw .
22 He seemed to grasp immediately what she was talking about .
23 In normal spirits he seemed to need only two steps to cross a room .
24 Saturday was the one day on which he seemed to arrive early at the Herald office , but she doubted whether he would have got there yet .
25 The way he looked at her made her feel that he was attracted to her , yet always he seemed to draw back .
26 After all this time of wondering , when her instincts told her that he was in love with her yet he seemed to draw down a shutter between them so often , it seemed almost too good to be true .
27 He could sense that there was no harm in the Sweeper , and as the days went by and still Minch did not come back , he seemed to sense too that the Sweeper cared and was on his side in wishing for her safe return .
28 He seemed to do better at Arse and had a good season when we won the league .
29 He did not openly support the maintenance of the power of the House of Lords to veto legislation but he seemed to do so implicitly since he expressed concern that the authority of the Lords had been ‘ gravely diminished ’ He did , however , explicitly propose the introduction of proportional representation arguing that it ‘ may sometimes secure a hearing in the House of Commons for opinions which , though containing a good deal of truth , command little or comparatively little popularity ’ .
30 If Mr Major genuinely thinks it is n't , as he seemed to say yesterday , then it is no wonder that the Maastricht debate is so confused .
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