Example sentences of "he began [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His parents were storekeepers , and nothing in his education pointed to a career in the arts , except perhaps that when , as a young man , he began buying locally manufactured handicrafts , for subsequent resale , he was introduced to the creative urge latent in the people who produced the goods .
2 Dotted around the 50-mile long island are Stallone 's five hideaways which he began buying up 10 years ago .
3 He began to suck in air through his mouth , producing a gasping sound .
4 His quiet rage about the papers , and the idiots who paid good money for them , grew more intense as he began to grind away in a job as a research assistant at the Financial Times .
5 While at Oxford he began to draw up a catalogue of the fifteenth-century books in the Bodleian Library .
6 After all , he had managed to dismantle the magical aspects of my eidesis and now he began to chew away at the very grist of what he termed my ‘ delusionary apparatus ’ .
7 I came at the same time as the Sweeper came for I saw him standing by this very cage in clothes the people wear and not in Keeper-clothes such as he began to wear afterwards . ’
8 It was this second scheme that Franco was inclined to favour and whose realization he began to turn over in his mind in the autumn of 1936 .
9 He began to sing softly , should he go through with his intention to end his life ?
10 He began reading out the typewritten sheet in front of him :
11 Before his birthday the trustees paid off all of his considerable personal debts , so that he could start afresh , but the Earl was not impressed by their suggestions that thrift was required and as soon as he took control he began to sell off parcels of the ancient family lands , all to finance his expensive tastes .
12 There was a forceful thrusting kind of need about his actions now , and he began to fumble rather clumsily , with the buttons on the front of her light , cotton dress .
13 For a moment , for the first time in his life , he began to realize why his grandfather had never lost his love of Mother Russia , why it had always been in his blood .
14 But after only four miles he began to realize just how far he would have to walk .
15 But then he began to wave again , muttering to himself , ‘ He 's just jealous of my velvet . ’
16 The moment Joseph stepped through the doorway he began coughing uncontrollably .
17 If he began to live more in keeping with his stature as a movie star , there were some indications that fame was going to his head .
18 He knew the fish was doomed Methodically , he began to splash up and down the large pool almost falling several times as he traversed the uneven sandy bottom .
19 Shortly before his fifteenth birthday he began boxing professionally as ‘ Kid ’ Lewis at the Judaean Club , Whitechapel , where he had nearly fifty contests , and when Premierland opened he boxed there thirty-five times in 1912 .
20 He began to whistle now , accompanying it with a little shuffle of his feet which brought a wide grin from Joe ; then becoming serious for a moment , he said , ‘ You knew , I do appreciate Martin getting leave to come home for my twenty-first .
21 He always rejected the hellraiser label but he began living up to his image when , in 1953 , he embarked on a drunken affair with Vivien Leigh while filming Elephant Walk in Ceylon .
22 After the initial dismay he began to wonder why nothing had been devised to protect switches .
23 Next , he began to wonder why the best he could hope for in a Welsh shirt was the occasional entrance as substitute .
24 The very mention of her name awoke old pains ; it was only much later on that he began to wonder how Thomas knew about Alice atte Bowe .
25 He began to wonder how much more time he would need to waste before phoning Blanche with the bad news that he had found nothing .
26 The men did as they pleased with him , and after a day or two at sea , he began to drink too much .
27 From then on , as though that had conjured up a bleak picture of him never having a life with his love , he began to sound quite despairing .
28 He began trembling again .
29 He began phoning both Clift and Brando ; Clift tried to discourage Dean , who began signing his letters ‘ James ( Brando-Clift ) Dean ’ .
30 Before she could get out of the car , though , he began to drive off again .
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