Example sentences of "he knew the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is a picture indelibly imprinted , Ward 's voice painting it in quiet words , neither excited nor repelled by the horror of it , but simply repeating information he had obtained from one of the books he had borrowed from his Glasgow library as soon as he knew the route he would be taking to Punta Arenas and the Antarctic .
2 In the back of his mind he knew the air in the Base was getting staler as the crisis progressed , but he could n't afford to worry about that now .
3 Gentle began to follow , but the fall had left him aching in every joint , and he knew the chase was lost before he 'd hobbled three yards .
4 And , er , and my father actually looked up the year before and found he knew the S H M , an old school chum , and he sent us a ticket .
5 Where the plaintiff delayed having his car repaired until he knew the defendants would pay the cost , the cost of hire of a replacement car was recoverable ( Martindale v Duncan [ 1973 ] 2 All ER 355 ) .
6 He knew the moves , he had won so easily , but now something like a ouija board .
7 ‘ He said he knew the part of Tuscany we were going to extremely well and all the priests were Communists .
8 If that were the case , then atavistic professional instincts and the terrifying imminence of the first night would ensure that he knew the part by the time they opened .
9 Our guide was a dour-faced , taciturn , little man who had as much chatter and wit as a dumb-struck oaf though he knew the bridle paths and trackways of Leicestershire like the back of his hand .
10 She saw his eyes go to the coat fixture , and guessed that he knew the jacket hanging there belonged to Travis when he went and took it from its hanger .
11 He knew the technique .
12 Although the telephone wires had been cut minutes before the assault he knew the authorities would still have been alerted and were almost certainly on their way to the prison at that very moment .
13 He resisted the temptation to turn around and look back up the street to where he knew the turn for Montgomery Street lay .
14 I 've already told you he knew the minute he saw us that there was something wrong — ’
15 Savory argued that a stranger to whom money had been paid in breach of trust could only be held liable as a constructive trustee to account for the money after he had parted with it , if it could be shown that he knew the money misapplied was trust money .
16 He knew the answers to his questions very well ; all too many men were relegated to the position of drone — and they resented it ; they showed their resentment all too often by despising women and taking the attitude that such inept creatures should be allowed to play while men ran the world and did anything in it which was worth doing .
17 He knew the mood of the TUC , his own prowess at wheedling persuasion , and the need of the miners for outside support .
18 He knew the call , even from Tobolsk , was probably going through a series of monitoring stations .
19 He knew the duchy well and , Powicke concluded , ‘ he never wished , even if it were possible to do so , to relax his grasp upon the affairs of his distant province ’ .
20 He knew the change would be slow , so he took out and lit a cigarette while he waited .
21 He knew the figures , the likelihood that she herself had been the victim of abuse was quite high .
22 He said he knew the tablets would not have harmed him and admitted that he had taken them to make his wife see how much he needed her .
23 And then his mind cleared , and he was looking at the Robemaker and feeling contempt for him again , feeling as well , the dangerous , powerful white spears of the Stroicim Inchinn withdraw , so that he knew the Robemaker had again called up the Stroicim without giving any outward indication of having done so .
24 From the first he would often stay behind ‘ after hours ’ , telling his mates he ‘ just wanted to finish this run ’ because he knew the machines were capable of producing more material than they were currently achieving .
25 There was a strange moment then , when he knew the bastard was still in the room , still watching him , and all he could do was wait for him to leave .
26 Watching that fair , contemptuous face he thought how well he knew the type from his own school .
27 Well , he would n't , would he ? she argued fiercely with herself ; he thought he knew the type of girl she was .
28 He knew the machine like an old friend ( it would probably be the personality he 'd miss most ) , but he still could n't trust it as much as he trusted himself .
29 He knew the sentences that had been handed down to his associates .
30 Mr Carter , who is business development manager at ICI Billingham , says he knew the instant it was described to him over the phone that the property was just what they were looking for .
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