Example sentences of "on the first round " in BNC.

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1 I need n't have worried too much because Seve was in complete control on the first round .
2 Table 2.2 confirms that the entire 80,000 units can be sold at this price , so total revenue will be £442,000 and total profit will be £102,000 , a considerable improvement on the first round .
3 If they manage to lure a victim within reach before dropping the illusion , the Daemonettes will automatically gain surprise on the first round of hand-to-hand combat .
4 If you think about it , as you were n't strong enough to respond on the first round , you can hardly want to redouble now to play .
5 So if you play small smoothly declarer , ( who is only missing queen , ten , five in the suit ) is almost certain to play a top honour on the first round , after which the contract will be doomed to failure as you will make a trump trick by force .
6 A second round of polling on April 8 would determine the final distribution of seats , and in the event only five constituencies had results settled on the first round .
7 To win a seat on the first round in the constituency elections , a candidate would need an overall majority in a turnout of at least 50 pere cent ; if this was not achieved , a run-off vote would be held one week later .
8 Vargas Llosa , who had led on the first round on April 8 [ see p. 37371 ] , now won only 2,713,442 ( 33.92 per cent ) .
9 In the Paris by-election , in the 13th ward , Michèle Barzach ( Minister-Delegate for Health and the Family in 1986-88 and once regarded as a protegé of Chirac ) trailed behind the official RPR candidate René Galy-Dejean by 26.56 per cent to 41.17 per cent on the first round .
10 The campaign was dominated by the radical-conservative contest between Yeltsin and Ryzkhov and the questions of how many votes the Russian Communist Party could mobilize on Ryzhkov 's behalf and whether Yeltsin would secure enough votes to win election on the first round .
11 A presidential candidate could win election on the first round only by gaining an absolute majority of the votes cast by at least one-quarter of registered voters ; otherwise the election would be decided by a second-round run-off between the two candidates with most votes .
12 In voting for councillors , 38,946 were elected on the first round out of the total of 40,178 , with the NSF winning 15,670 seats ( 40.24 per cent ) , the Democratic Convention 8,088 ( 20.77 per cent ) , the ADP 4,532 ( 11.64 per cent ) , the HDUR 2,606 ( 6.69 per cent ) , independents 2,425 ( 6.23 per cent ) , and the RNUP 1,508 ( 3.87 per cent ) .
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