Example sentences of "be doing the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would save her , and be doing the honourable , Christian thing .
2 I lay there with absolutely no idea what I would be doing the following day or if I stood any chance of being selected by the Legion .
3 Because gene frequencies are generally presumed to change in phylogeny , then it is suggested that genes must be doing the real work in ontogeny .
4 We believe that by circulating it widely to politicians decision-makers in both the public and private sectors , journalists , other voluntary bodies and so on , we will be doing the best we can to raise awareness and interest in sustainability .
5 We believe that by circulating it widely to politicians , decision- makers in both the public and private sectors , journalists , other voluntary bodies and so on , we will be doing the best we can to raise awareness and interest in sustainability .
6 Just in so far as we cause the Government to persecute those who believe in peace , so we may be doing the greatest service … to stimulate the national consciousness in [ the ] direction [ of peace ] . ’
7 Goodness when you , mum and dad 's done the back garden , when you meant to be doing the front garden with the weeding and that ? , well what 's all , you know , all these wages .
8 He claimed that if it could be killed , the rebels would be doing the Prime Minister a favour .
9 It is also worth noting that efficiency should not be considered until the effectiveness is proven , the procedure could be doing the wrong thing in an extremely efficient manner .
10 It occurred to him as he was crashing about in the cupboard among his own old mackintoshes , tennis racquets , gum boots , and broken picture frames that he might be doing the wrong thing .
11 Anybody who dreamt of surrendering that basic safeguard at this time would be doing the gravest disservice to current and possibly to future generations in Britain .
12 3 If you are coming back from injury or lay-off , go slowly — train progressively and do not expect to be doing the same times as you were before .
13 Unfortunately everyone else will be doing the same thing and if one end is blatantly favoured then it is likely to be crowded .
14 And five hundred yards to the east , across the barren expanse of heath and moor , and the tiny stream they called the Goldbach , the men of the allied army would be doing the same .
15 Like Novell Inc , which appears to be doing the same thing ( UX No 413 ) , WordPerfect reportedly has big-time legal beagles at its beck and call .
16 Everyone else who was not engaged in either survey data collection or ship handling seemed to be doing the same .
17 You knew that the others would be doing the same .
18 Yes in theory we should be doing the same thing
19 I would be sitting in the car looking out at the fascinating scenery , my mum and my brother would be doing the same , my sister would be looking at a book and my dad would be driving .
20 Stewart from Tamworth says I 'm on the dole and have to pay maintenance , Prince Charles should be doing the same .
21 I assumed whole group drama had to be about football hooligans on their way to a match or passengers in an aeroplane about to crash ; that there might be shades of difference , but that basically everybody would be doing the same thing at the same time .
22 Now I think it 's only fair and right that the conservatives are doing as er , should be doing the same .
23 Lindsey fought off the realisation that she should be doing the same , a tiny spark of rebellion taking her , instead of to her cabin , to the gallery of luxurious and well-stocked shops and boutiques , carrying everything from souvenirs and jewellery , famous brands of perfume and toiletries to designer shoes and clothes .
24 We have already been in touch with two GP practices in Middlesbrough to see how much of the medical history we can pick up , and shall be doing the same in Sunderland .
25 Yes , and I 've broken it up into parts , I 'll be doing the same with Bernard and Tony , incidentally .
26 If Steve 's going to have electric aerial he 'll be doing the same thing .
27 They may be doing the same job as older people , but there are questions about whether you might not make more jobs for young people if you paid them seventy-five per cent , two-thirds of , of the going minimum wage .
28 I think that recently we seem to have had such , so many changes in the health authority , so many different peoples in the post who all seem to be doing the same sort of thing , who 've got the Family Health Services Authority set up , but it would seem to me that some of the things that are on this piece of paper are things that I understood were being done by the Family Health Services Authority .
29 I 'll even be doing the high kicks Frankie is known throughout the entertainment business as an energetic performer using dance routines and high kicks .
30 ‘ Hopefully , I 'll be doing the next Lemonheads album , ’ he says , with exactly the right amount of carelessness , ‘ but I really have to go and do my own thing as well .
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