Example sentences of "be kept under [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All these products should be kept under refrigeration unless , like some members of the Frankfurter family , they are preserved in a jar or can .
2 The product may be difficult to pack or it may need to be kept under refrigeration .
3 All this has to be kept under wraps , Newman .
4 Dolphin 's Motorola Inc 88110-based Triton SCI Server , which was scheduled to ship in the first quarter of this year , will be kept under wraps for at least another year , the company says .
5 I 'm not sure whether to believe this or not , but if it comes , I 'm told that ‘ everything concerning this publication will be kept under wraps like last time ’ .
6 Interviews have now been held in Categories I and III of this year 's Building Manager of the Year Awards and the adjudicating panel is well on its way to a final selection The final results of the Awards , sponsored by Chaffoteaux et Maury and organised by the CIOB with Building , will be kept under wraps until the Awards Dinner at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London on October 7 .
7 Meanwhile , they were to be kept under guard .
8 To illustrate the dangers of this measure , suppose that the Government took the view that membership of the Communist Party presented a threat to national security and that leading members of the party — including those holding positions in trade unions — were to be kept under surveillance .
9 Once again , with a minimum of formal rules and supervisory staff , the behaviour — the fuel consumption — of large numbers of people can be kept under surveillance .
10 Japan 's money policy had to tighten sharply , if the yen were not to collapse and if inflation was to be kept under control .
11 All the parasitic insects which may attack the vine in Champagne , with the exception of phylloxera , can be kept under control with numerous proprietary brands of insecticide , if treated early enough .
12 Fasting and abstention from intoxicating drink and drugs is also invaluable since the senses can only be kept under control when they are contained .
13 NHS costs may be kept under control because of both the NHS 's ability to act as a bulk buyer of medicine supplies and the unlikelihood of competitive upward pressure on wage costs for health workers .
14 It was n't just that the parents had to be kept under control despite the fact that they and the police were in many respects working at cross purposes , it was the danger of some third party interfering … a go-between with power and influence was what the Captain dreaded most …
15 The Interrupter must be kept under control .
16 It is only as a result of sensitive and skilful policing in towns and cities that the problem will be kept under control .
17 Diabetics have to eat regularly if their illness is to be kept under control with insulin injections .
18 Doctors failed to diagnose her fractured skull and sent her back to Turner Village with a note saying she should be kept under observation and a message to return if her condition changed .
19 There is often , in addition , a " ready-use " reservoir or tank that can be kept under observation , with the feed controlled by the water man to suit the usage .
20 They would be kept under house arrest within a fort until the yasak payment season came round .
21 It is felt that the 7GHz to 8GHz segment , already used extensively by defence authorities , should be kept under review and that an agreement for sharing the 20GHz to 30GHz space allocation should be developed .
22 It saw no need for immediate action but recommended that the matter should be kept under review .
23 Often the contents of a reply are non-committal ; it is said that points made by a committee are noted or that certain matters will be kept under review .
24 The current LMS formula should be kept under review with these issues in mind .
25 THE INTERESTS of council employees in Scotland are to be kept under review by a staff commission during the transition to the new local government system .
26 It is difficult to envisage the numbers it would be necessary to accommodate during this period , however I would estimate a rough requirement to accommodate 30 to 40 staff , although this would have to be kept under review in the light of the public 's response and changes required to known data .
27 However as this is a new tax the structure/procedures will be kept under review .
28 The structure and staffing numbers will be kept under review in the light of experience and revised ( upwards or downwards ) as necessary , together with any revisions to job descriptions required .
29 The above interim arrangements have been discussed and agreed in principle with NALGO but will be kept under review during the interim period .
30 Further machine requirements to be kept under review .
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