Example sentences of "be sent to the " in BNC.

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1 In no circumstances should communications be sent to the prisoner .
2 The existing conditions continue to apply and applications should be sent to the Grants Officer at Astral House .
3 Mrs Winterton said letters should not be sent to the ‘ converted ’ who might find them an irritant , suggesting a change of tactics since the campaign over the Alton Bill .
4 However , Boss 's joy was tempered by the fact that Balla Cove was sold to two Americans earlier this week and is to be sent to the United States to be trained by Ron MacAnally , who prepared the great John Henry .
5 Fourth September — news at Brigade H.Q that the Brigade would be returning to England on the 6th September to reorganise and prepare to be sent to the Far East and continue the war against the Japanese .
6 The final remittance of the tax year should be sent to the Inland Revenue Accounts Office together with a payslip .
7 The government 's efforts to get a bill through parliament allowing soldiers to be sent to the Gulf in non-combat roles came to nothing .
8 Some disagree with this line of thinking — notably Ichiro Ozawa , the secretary-general of Japan 's ruling party , who has been arguing for Japanese soldiers to be sent to the Gulf in a non-combat role — but they have not had much luck making their case .
9 John Bartell , chairman of the Prison Officers ' Association , has warned that any remand prisoner suffering a condition that requires constant nursing care , or carrying the HIV virus , would not be sent to the Wolds because of the possible cost .
10 ‘ We are also concerned that any troublesome remand prisoner is unlikely to be sent to the Wolds , and that while we have to deal with them the Group 4 people are cushioned . ’
11 Mr Morraine shouted at him and Mr Jotter said any more slacking and he would be sent to the Headmaster .
12 Wires announcing that he had some leave would be sent to the delightful telegraphic address of B.P. which was ‘ Bonzo ’ .
13 Soon all those who dare to smile or weep at the wrong moment will be sent to the poles … a cruel ruler will seize power , everyone who does not learn to keep silent will be put in prison and the extermination of mankind will begin . ’
14 Nominations should be sent to the Director-General to arrive not later than 30 November .
15 Your application for listing the building should be sent to the Listing Branch , Department of the Environment , Lambeth Bridge House , Albert Embankment , London SE1 7SB .
16 Requests that letters should not be sent to the home address or that the telephone should not be used are always respected .
17 But no , Jessie had to be something else ; Jessie had to be sent to the Secretarial School : no getting her hands sticky from the toffee hammer , breaking up the slabs in the long tins ; no weighing out a ha'p'orth of hundreds and thousands or a penn'orth of sugar baccy ; and as for the weighing out of the real baccy , of hard cut or shag or even serving the best cigars , oh no , oh no , her father was having Jessie do nothing like that .
18 Written representations should be sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment at Room 1203B , Tollgate House , Houlton Street , Bristol , BS2 9DJ , to arrive no later than April 30th .
19 They should be sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment at Room 1203B , Tollgate House , Houlton Street , Bristol BS2 9DJ quoting reference APP/M1710/A/92/203052 .
20 All Liskeard women and children were to be sent to the moors in case the French again threatened to invade .
21 With certain specified exceptions , a motion can only be placed before the council by a notice of motion which must be sent to the chief executive or clerk of the council within the time provided for in the standing orders .
22 If the blood glucose is above 20 mmol/l a sample should be sent to the laboratory for a definitive result .
23 Four more divisions took place then , before it was finally agreed and ordered to be sent to the House of Commons .
24 Accordingly , he suggested separate facilities at each exchange for dealing with juveniles ; notices with information about the exchanges were to be displayed in schools ; lists of prospective school-leavers to be sent to the local exchange with details of their ‘ ability , tastes and desires ’ ; and each school-leaver to be told to call at the exchange for an interview .
25 ‘ Luke had to be sent to the infirmary in Castlebar , ’ the sergeant went on .
26 If it proves to be outside his scope , a letter of explanation will be sent to the complainant and to the member who referred the complaint .
27 When the investigation is completed a report giving the Commissioner 's findings will be sent to the complainant , the member , the authority or department concerned and any person complained against .
28 Copies of the resolutions were to be sent to the society in Odiham , to subscribers to that society 's farriery fund , and to members of the society resident in London .
29 An introductory letter can be sent to the learner before the allocation starts ( Table 3.1 ) .
30 So exposed films will have to be sent to the company 's HQ in Atlanta , Georgia for processing — via a courier air service arranged by Nimslo .
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