Example sentences of "be brought into the " in BNC.

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1 Potted primulas and other plants that have been standing in frames can be brought into the greenhouse now .
2 The bin is completely portable , so it can be brought into the warmth in winter so that the worms will continue to work .
3 Most continue ripening in store until ready for the table , but a few varieties must be brought into the warm for a few days before they are ready to eat .
4 Leave these in a sheltered place outdoors until mid-January , when they can be brought into the greenhouse for early , hand-pollinated flowers .
5 Moz 's dinner could then be brought into the yard without dumping it over the fence ; and the horse was then led up to this food , caressed a few times , and released while he was still distracted by eating the first few mouthfuls .
6 Dogs may be brought into the park provided that they are kept on a lead at all times .
7 If the governors of the school agreed , yet more places ( the ‘ residuary ’ places ) could be brought into the same category .
8 How were clinical trials , so convincing for antituberculous drugs , to be brought into the sensitive area of subjective experience ?
9 In every case these criteria are significantly more relaxed than those used to designate the original LFA in the UK so that the so-called marginal areas could be brought into the extension .
10 Weighing 60 tons , a new transformer for South Electricity Board 's sub-station in Hindhead , was the biggest load ever to be brought into the district by road .
11 The CAB adviser is supported by the vast information system which will often be brought into the prison using the portable microfilm system .
12 A variety of people will be involved and should be brought into the planning of the programme .
13 Patients and relatives can be brought into the classroom either in person , or in the form of a taped interview or talk .
14 We must fight for greater tolerance , and for legislation that protects against anti-gay discrimination , to ensure that something like Section 28 will never be brought into the rest of Europe .
15 That is when all limits are lifted from the amount of alcohol and tobacco that can be brought into the country from Europe for personal use .
16 By applying judgements to the curriculum itself , evaluation by the users of that curriculum can be brought into the classroom , evaluation can be made to serve as a basis for new directions in the process of teaching and learning … it can shape and guide learning and guide decisions within the curriculum process .
17 Unless there is significant doubt as to whether it can be collected , interest from advances should be brought into the p&l account as it accrues .
18 He was only four seats fewer than Wilson and the Ulster loyalists could perhaps be brought into the equation .
19 PRESSURE from individuals countrywide has at last enabled the matter of Vulcan XH558 to be brought into the new Parliamentary session .
20 In addition , two figures of saints from the Berenson collection will be brought into the study as Carlo Volpe has also connected them with the Valle Romita altarpiece .
21 With increasing persistence it continued to argue that West Germany should be brought into the western defensive system with its own military forces .
22 Dennett ( see below ) has in recent publications emphasized the relative emptiness of the contents of consciousness : all that is not there and which , for much of the workings of our bodies , can not be brought into the contents of consciousness .
23 MORE than £250,000 worth of business could be brought into the tourism and leisure industry in Ipswich next year after the town 's junior chamber of commerce won a bid to host a major national conference .
24 Distributors of American TV and film productions , writers and other principal leaders in the industry must be brought into the dialogue .
25 There are choices to be explored , outcomes to be weighed carefully , hidden agendas to be brought into the open , and complex medical technology and legal implications to be understood .
26 Moreover , these things will be brought into the present not as just any history or teaching , but as that through which God is supremely known .
27 She is ‘ the favoured place where God can , and wills to , be brought into the world ’ .2l
28 e ) Trade unions have developed a wide range of learning materials and processes which can usefully be brought into the classroom .
29 There being no obvious and convincing way in which the latter can be brought into the reckoning , the practice adopted by disinterested psephologists and proponents of the STV alike is to count first-preference votes only .
30 A marvellous stylistic contrast to the intricacy and sophistication of these magnificent Court carpets can be seen in the delightful Marby rug — named after the Swedish village in whose church it was found — which is one of the few remaining examples of the first Anatolian or Caucasian rugs to be brought into the West .
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