Example sentences of "be brought under [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a revolution , where any decision may suddenly raise questions about freedom , justice , in a new form , and where every aspect of life may be brought under scrutiny , it could follow that all action , all weighing of pros and cons , is unprincipled .
2 A draft agreement containing proposals for 10 per cent of the total volume of a country 's textile imports effected under bilaterally negotiated MFA quotas in 1990 , to be brought under GATT rules as of 1992 , was still under discussion when the Uruguay Round was suspended in December [ see p. 37930 ] .
3 Public judicial review actions are those which must be brought under Ord. 53 ; hybrid judicial review actions are those which may but need not be brought under Ord. 53 ; and private judicial review actions may not be brought under Ord. 53 .
4 Public judicial review actions are those which must be brought under Ord. 53 ; hybrid judicial review actions are those which may but need not be brought under Ord. 53 ; and private judicial review actions may not be brought under Ord. 53 .
5 Public judicial review actions are those which must be brought under Ord. 53 ; hybrid judicial review actions are those which may but need not be brought under Ord. 53 ; and private judicial review actions may not be brought under Ord. 53 .
6 In other words , some judicial review actions involving applications for declarations and injunctions are , like all applications for prerogative orders , public judicial review actions which must be brought under Ord. 53 .
7 But the exclusivity principle does not apply to all such applications : some are what I have called hybrid judicial review actions and such actions need not , but may , be brought under Ord. 53 .
8 Furthermore , as we will see , some actions in respect of public law wrongs can not be brought under Ord. 53 .
9 It is important , therefore , to know what count as ‘ purely public judicial review actions ’ which must be brought under Ord. 53 ; and it is to the definition of this term that we must now turn .
10 In the first place , it has been held that judicial review actions against bodies which owe their existence to contract can not be brought under Ord. 53 .
11 On the one hand , it would seem that if a claim can be framed as one in contract or tort , or if it concerns a private legal right , it need not be brought under Ord. 53 even if the very ground on which the respondent 's action is alleged to be a tort or breach of contract is that it was illegal in a public law sense .
12 And , of course , if an action in tort or contract against a public authority does not turn on any issue of public law , it need not be brought under Ord. 53 .
13 A second difficulty posed by the collateral attack exception is that Ord. 53 , r.7 provides that a claim for damages may be brought under Ord. 53 if the claim arises from any matter to which an AJR relates .
14 Ministers remain anxious that the Government could be brought under pressure to provide public funds , even though the Channel Tunnel Act expressly forbids the Government from providing any finance for the tunnel or the infrastructure needed to serve it .
15 The author showed shrewd perception of the powers which could be exercised by commercial blockade or by boycott , and he specifically indicates wool and tin as English products which were necessary to the Flemings , who could be brought under pressure by a withdrawal of supplies .
16 While some aspects of a culture will be either affirmed or enriched by the gospel , other elements will be brought under judgment .
17 This includes source programs , text files and package modules — anything in fact which is to be brought under LIFESPAN configuration control .
18 The six killer diseases not only CAN be brought under control by the end of 1990 .
19 The blaze commenced one lunchtime when few people were in the premises , so there was no loss of life , but it took a long time for the blaze to be brought under control and some days before the firemen were able to be sure that there was no risk of further outbreaks of fire .
20 If this was the case , the proliferation of cells in leukaemia might be brought under control .
21 To order the variables and decide which should be brought under control , we have to use all the theoretical and rational resources available to us ; we can not appeal to the data for help .
22 By some means or other the natural tendencies instilled by evolution , have to be brought under control , and the child must learn at a very early age that if he is to grow up and be happy , he must behave in accordance with rules and regulations .
23 But the critical question is whether the juggernaut of public expenditure can be brought under control .
24 He also suggests that inflation should be brought under control , not by tight monetary policies , but by ‘ flooding the market with goods ’ .
25 Professional views of mental illness , especially when manifested in the public realm , continue to be based on nineteenth century ideas about madness as something that should be brought under control and removed from the public gaze .
26 Inflation will be brought under control by the emerging recession .
27 Two names for the same condition that was once life-threatening to both mother and baby but could now easily be brought under control — if warning signs were heeded in time .
28 The battle between the Prime Minister , the split indeed between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor which is a re-run of the appalling split between her and Nigel Lawson which is the origins of our present problem , is something that must be brought under control .
29 So the case for rectification can not be brought under paragraph ( h ) .
30 ( 2 ) Where the Council has within three months beginning with the date when an application for recognition was received by the Council neither granted nor refused recognition , an appeal to the Master of the Rolls may be brought under paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to the Act as if the application had been refused by the Council .
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