Example sentences of "be expected [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If they all voted to go to Disneyland would ratepayers be expected to cough up for that too ? ’
2 These teams will need to feed into the making of the School Development Plan ; they will no doubt be expected to carry out much of it and be involved in the monitoring and evaluation process .
3 In smaller seasonal or residential hotels all the office work could be centralised in the reception office , and during the quiet period on the front desk the receptionist would be expected to carry out the task of maintaining accounting and other records .
4 They will be expected to carry out tasks during the residential with limited support from the tutor and to monitor their own progress in terms of personal and social development .
5 At Level Two students will be expected to carry out an extensive job-search plan , operating largely independently .
6 It seems , however , that your leitmotiv is that no doctor could be expected to carry out the multifacetted role that doctors ‘ helping the police with their enquiries ’ have to perform , that they can not do so with their usual amount of skill , and that they can not carry out some of the more sensitive tasks without bias or being influenced by their paymasters — the police .
7 could be expected to carry OUT .
8 These committees have issued various guidelines ( on such matters as shareholders ' pre-emption rights , employee share incentive schemes , and discounts to market price on share issues ) which they require companies to follow if the institutions they represent are to be expected to invest in and support them .
9 Misrepresentation as well as undue influence is a means of abusing the confidence that may be expected to arise out of the relation .
10 On past experience , a 15 per cent devaluation could be expected to feed through at roughly 3 per cent a year for five years , and if this is repeated , it is still far too soon to say that inflationary expectations have been beaten out of the economy .
11 He went on to say that they had been at great pains to build up an efficient fifth-column unit and should not be expected to give up their best men as soon as they were trained .
12 Then they will be expected to turn out in the afternoon heat to suit the peak viewing times of European television viewers .
13 In practice , the state scheme contributions pre-empt a slice of incomes which would otherwise be available for saving through pension schemes , and thus to that extent would be expected to slow down the growth of non-state provision .
14 That would leave Gerry Creaney up front on his own although Paul Byrne would be expected to push up wide on the right .
15 After the Ebro , Catalonia could not be expected to hold on for long , and if Catalonia fell the rest of Republican Spain was likely to follow .
16 Many of these stood at junctions where passengers might be expected to stop over before continuing their journey 's .
17 She could n't be expected to hang around with the press and everyone else knowing that she was responsible for last night 's false alarm .
18 One of the issues that called for more profound thought than usual was the direction United Biscuits should take after its products had come to command the lion 's share of the market and could n't be expected to squeeze out many more sales .
19 At zero six hundred hours the following morning Captain Trentham gave them a full briefing : they were to be transported by ship to Boulogne , they learned , and after ten days ' further training they would be expected to march on to Etaples , where they would join their regiment under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Danvers Hamilton DSO , who , they were assured , was preparing for a massive assault on the German defences .
20 Given a sustained period of peace and tranquillity , tension in the countryside would gradually lessen and in the longer term , the population curve could be expected to level out .
21 Er whereas the County Council have sought to re to er keep vacancies constant , we have said that it is reasonable to seek to plan to keep second homes etcetera as a constant number but what I would term normal vacancies , can be reasonably be expected to go up to maintain the same proportion .
22 With contracting , hospital doctors will be the agents of the provider , not the purchasing authority , and again can not be expected to take on the gatekeeper role .
23 And ask them to take that on board , because I do n't really see why we should be expected to take on both factors .
24 I remember that we were quite concerned that we might be expected to take off from ‘ Argus ’ as even the resident Swordfish seemed to have difficulty .
25 He could add another to the list of places where Riddle might be expected to take off his jacket and tie and relax .
26 Not because of his trees , you understand , but because no one can be expected to put up with someone singing Kumbaya .
27 There must be other places in the evening where Suzie might be expected to put in an appearance .
28 ( NB in an examination a student would be expected to set out and apply these requirements . )
29 The latest round of interest rate rises has postponed for another six months the earliest date the pendulum can be expected to swing back .
30 How can an electorate be expected to make up its mind until it has seen all the smears ?
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