Example sentences of "be left [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Investors will usually agree to a provision of this kind , as most purchasers would in any event wish to purchase the entire company and not be left with minority shareholders .
2 ‘ Do n't underestimate this club , or you 'll be left with egg on your face .
3 The lamp must be left on day and night until no more animals appear in the jar .
4 If there is any doubt about the ultimate outcome , the proceeding must be left on foot .
5 It has been estimated that up to one third of the production budget of a movie can be left on location .
6 The puzzle can be left on screen and the child then uses a light pen or joystick to indicate the hidden words .
7 The rechargeable base can be left on trickle charge indefinitely , so that it 's always ready to use .
8 The Super Dustbuster is compact , and can be left on trickle charge in accessible places
9 If she was to be left at home she showed no interest .
10 This emerged as the consensus view on the juvenile ‘ crime wave ’ of the 1930s , and The Times was also speaking for a wide consensus when it suggested in a lead article that , ‘ It is a good and wise rule that , as far as possible , delinquent children ought to be left at home . ’
11 It was early in the season yet , and he probably had long periods of inactivity to fill up between visitors ; but he was not going to be left at leisure for long this time , for in the gravelled car park outside the enclosure a large bus was just disgorging a load of loud and active schoolboys , shepherded by a frantic youth hardly older than the eldest of his charges .
12 Matches and lighters to be left at reception .
13 It is further submitted that , as Parliament has intervened by the Act of 1976 in the matter of pre-natal injuries to unborn children , it should be left to Parliament to effect any further change in the law that may be thought necessary or to develop the law from where it was left by the Divisional Court in Ireland in Walker 's case .
14 In a meeting with the King on 3 October 1688 , the bishops asked James to dissolve the Commission for Ecclesiastical Causes , and promise never to erect " any such court again " , to " desist from the Exercise of such a Dispensing power as hath of late been used " ( the determination of which was to be left to Parliament ) , to restore the corporations and the universities , and to give office only to those who were legally qualified .
15 She did n't want to be left to stand alone in some dark night-time corridor .
16 The grosser absurdities of the consultative document have disappeared , and it is now apparent that the cross-curricular elements ( those aspects of learning that will not slot into the conventional ‘ subject ’ boxes yet are still too important to be left to chance ) are going ( somehow ) to be retained .
17 The opportunities for the education of the student during her ward allocation must not be left to chance .
18 Moreover , the Commission considered that the social benefits that would accrue from economic developments arising from the internal market could not be left to chance .
19 If you are thinking of building a tank with a water capacity of say 250 gallons in your front room , nothing can be left to chance .
20 Organizational commitment would not appear to be left to chance in many cases .
21 The task of ordering the Church 's worship is too awesome to be left to chance , either in the hope that the person responsible for it will pick up the necessary skills or in the belief that it can be done by anyone .
22 Clearly , vertical arrangements are not matters which can be left to chance in all circumstances .
23 An early decision was made that use of the system must not be left to chance .
24 Most practitioners will have their own list of preferred specialists and the aquisition of such important know-how must not be left to chance ( see further Chapter 3 ) .
25 We do n't want to be left to fight alone again . ’
26 Some things have to be left to fate . ’
27 The RSPCA has always been in favour of whips being carried for the reasons outlined by Luhnenschloss , but its assistant chief veterinary officer , Alastair Mews , said : ‘ Future decisions can no longer be left to tradition , habit , or hearsay but must be based on good science .
28 Smith noted certain exceptional tasks ( army ) which must be left to government and stressed the need for laws to deal with monopoly .
29 The practical impact of a guru 's advice must sometimes be left to inference .
30 First , interest rates are not to be left to market forces and free competition .
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