Example sentences of "be found on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Items can be found on every continent and in recent years have become very popular again , especially as collectors pieces .
2 The growth in Europe 's population and the increased number of fortified towns to be found on every frontier , wrote a pamphleteer at the end of the seventeenth century , made it more difficult than ever before to conquer great areas of territory .
3 Success of the PC as an engineering tool must in part be due to its expansion bus and the fact that nearly every type of facility can be found on a PC card .
4 Greater peace could be found on a boating pond in Regent 's Park than at the populated end of poor Loch Morar in summer , with speed boats raping its once enigmatic waters and queues of cars waiting for senior citizens in their caravans to unblock the single track road where they have parked in a passing place to brew up a cuppa .
5 He narrowly missed what he thought was a lamp post but turned out to be a tree , and reached for where the handle was usually to be found on a front door .
6 The coelenterates are the most significant group of invertebrates to be found on a coral reef and include all of the sea anemones , sea fans and corals .
7 His temple is to be found on a great tower of black adamant rising out of the steaming lava within the volcano 's crater .
8 The island no longer gave men without much capital the economic opportunity sometimes to be found on a frontier , where land can be acquired cheaply by anyone prepared to make the great effort needed to clear it and plant the first crops .
9 This represents the maximum of information that normally would be found on a card , the minimum being the author , title and Subject-class mark .
10 They presented a number of lexical items likely to be found on a French restaurant menu , together with the language forms they wanted the class to use .
11 Biographical studies can be found on a variety of historical people , including various artists or politicians .
12 Lacking this , among the healthier , lower-calorie choices to be found on an English-style carte are :
13 No longer the prop of an unjust social order , the God of the Magnificat was to be found on the side of the poor while the mighty trembled at the prospect of being toppled from their insecure thrones .
14 This right he can enforce not only by action , but also by a form of self-help known as distress , the seizure of any goods , whether belonging to the tenant or a stranger , which may be found on the premises .
15 Thinking that the heart of the mystery might be found on the Brocken in the Harz mountains , he journeyed there in May 1799 .
16 Is there really no wood to be found on the way , or even on the mountain itself ?
17 However , scientific names are to be found on the labels on individual animal enclosures and on some plants .
18 These often formed huge structures with mineral skeletons — similar to these stromatolites that still can be found on the west coast of Australia .
19 The old gallery will be found on the first floor of the house ; previously on an outside wall facing East .
20 There is a similar emphasis to be found on the educational preparation for citizenship in the report of the Speaker 's Commission .
21 They can be found on the shaft of the penis and on the glans , but their predilection for a damp and warm environment makes them most often seen under the foreskin .
22 In women the lesion of primary syphilis will be found on the labia majora or minora , on the clitoris , or around the urethral meatus .
23 Like the secondary lesions they may mimic other skin conditions and can be found on the surface of the skin , or sometimes as lumps or nodules beneath it .
24 Pubic lice are usually confined to the pubic and anal areas , although , in very hairy people , they may be found on the chest and in the axillary hair .
25 Very occasionally , they can be found on the eyelashes and eyebrows , but they are said never to be found higher than that .
26 Of course no one pointed out then that in nine out of ten such cases the body would most likely be found on the beach sooner or later , maybe ten or twenty miles along the coast .
27 We employ over 700 staff , and currently handle thousands of residential house sales through our substantial branch network , details of which will be found on the reverse of this leaflet .
28 All the free services we provide with The Barclays Bank Account plus a list of services we charge for can be found on the following pages .
29 For purposive reading and for textbooks and research material the author 's credentials are generally to be found on the title page or in publishers ' promotional material .
30 The operation of trolleys and pantographs together was not without its problems , and it was said that the great used on the collector plates could be found on the overhead line as far as Lytham !
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