Example sentences of "he have been able " in BNC.

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1 Whereas Bob Dwyer , the Australian coach , was the man being criticised and under pressure before the Strasbourg match for lack of success and for Randwick club favouritism , he has been able to announce an unchanged team .
2 But every time he has used force in the past — as in Azerbaijan a year ago — he has been able to portray himself as defender of both law and order .
3 As Robinson put it : ‘ even with a less persuasive argument he has been able to get a democratic decision in his favour but the democratic process is used throughout the party ’ .
4 But Connors has taken no serious breaks from the game and its stylistic progress ; his game in itself has durable , idiosyncratic features ( whereas Borg 's became the prototype on which newcomers based their own playing patterns ) ; and he has been able to take his audience along with him through the very gradual decline in his competitive expectations .
5 In the same way , he has been able to shrug off his failure to retain Frankie Dettori , who had been offered a lucrative sum to ride the Manton horses for the owner .
6 The historian , Minois , has delved systematically into the changing status of older people in history , and he has been able to link these changes to the dominant social ideas and circumstances of the time .
7 Why these particular prints stand out in my opinion from so many produced for the tourists of the time , is because the artist has not just reproduced his drawings on to plates but he has been able to produce marks that are alive and work within the context of the print .
8 He has been able to speak to us .
9 He has been able to see others ' strengths and weaknesses .
10 He knows this because he has been able to decipher ‘ ancient Brahmin tables ’ .
11 He has been able to involve many more clubs than the senior side .
12 However , it is not clear from the information presented by Burr how well he has been able to cope with the irregular morphological structure of English .
13 That he has been able to combine both ministries would be surprising were it not for the fact that he has worked as an active Socialist besides having a good track record in cultural affairs .
14 He , in retaliation , has launched against them the most concentrated onslaughts that he has been able to devise .
15 But if the additional candidate is not elected , he will still have been useful to his party provided that he has been able to collect votes which on his elimination are transferred to stronger running-mates still in need of them .
16 ‘ I 'm glad that he has been able to help . ’
17 The extent of these learning skills has been ingeniously studied for individual bees by Randolf Menzel in Berlin over the past two decades , and he has been able to clarify the role of many regions of the bee 's head ganglion .
18 He has been able to formulate a general model which encompasses existing models and enables tests to be made of the robustness of the results reported in The Population History of England by varying the projection parameters .
19 It 's thanks to a hefty sponsorship package from Village Homes that he has been able to make the move after only one full season of FF1600 racing in Ireland .
20 Now that the full complement of introns in the ancestral triose phosphate isomerase gene has been mapped , he has been able to show that they are placed so that amino acids near each other in the protein 's structure are encoded wherever possible by the same exon , bolstering the idea that the original form of the gene contained a full complement of introns and was produced by exon shuffling .
21 Likewise in ( 36 ) saw evokes not mere visual perception but rather an inference which the speaker has drawn about the character of the people in question on the basis of what he has been able to observe of their behaviour or even of their appearance , and so could be said by someone who had only seen a photograph of them .
22 If the plaintiff has been unable to work at all up to the date of the trial , his loss will be the entire net remuneration which he would have earned ; if for a period he has been able to earn something , but not as much as he would have earned had he not been injured , his loss for that period will be the net difference between what he has earned and what he would otherwise have earned .
23 For a number of weeks he was unable to train with his colleagues , but in the past fortnight he has been able to step up his training .
24 For a number of weeks he was unable to train with his colleagues , but in the past fortnight he has been able to step up his training .
25 The distinctive orange , yellow and black bike was a Christmas present for the youngster , but he has been so weak because of chemotherapy treatment that he has been able unable to ride it .
26 If only he 'd been able to finish off the plastic swan and the weeping-kid picture there 'd have been some hope for the flat .
27 But he was glad he 'd been able to fend off too many probing journalistic questions about her ; he did n't want them publishing any comments about her at this stage , that was sure .
28 A bandage round his head , a cup of tea in his blunt hands , he looked like the only survivor of some great catastrophe , and Nathan could understand exactly why he 'd been able to move India-May to tears and why he 'd been given a room on the first floor , one of the large ones , for nothing .
29 But it was an improvement on William 's taste in art and they served a good pint of bitter , and Preston might almost have settled back to enjoy it if he 'd been able to forget their reason for being there and if Emily had n't kept on at him about William and the Black Death .
30 Barely more than half an hour before , he 'd driven into the village on an errand for the Venetz sisters and although he saw almost no one along the way , he 'd been able to sense a tension in the air ; it was a faint background buzz like that of power lines in the rain .
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