Example sentences of "he return [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think he broke something because a big white van took him away and he returned with plaster on his arm .
2 In fact he returned to Amsterdam , but in 1681 he agreed to serve as leader of the English Sephardi community which had been so generous to him years before .
3 He returned to India , following a kidnap attempt , but because there was a fear that Muhammad Ali Pasha , governor of Egypt , might seize Aden , he stormed the town on 19 January 1839 .
4 In spite of this , he returned to India in 1927 to join the Christa Seva Sangha , an Anglican religious order founded in Poona in 1922 by Father Jack Winslow , inspired by the ideals of St Francis .
5 When he was seventeen he returned to China for several months .
6 Meanwhile he returned to headquarters and the disagreeable task of informing Davout of the outcome .
7 He was a passionate tourer , always in motion , descending on his Residents with floods of instructions which resumed their unceasing flow as soon as he returned to headquarters ; and long before Northern Nigeria was brought under effective British occupation , he was composing his Political Memoranda , which in addition to his reflections on the subject of Indirect Rule contained instructions to his officers of a comprehensiveness simply beyond satire .
8 He returned to North America , first lecturing at Oakland University in Rochester Michigan and then from 1980 to 1983 at the University of Alberta in Canada .
9 After two years national service he returned to Newark for a short period before moving to Peterborough in 1952 .
10 And as recently as 1987 , he returned to South Africa with an Aussie rebel side .
11 He was courted by a number of them when he returned to South Africa this Christmas , his first visit home since he was exiled along with his parents as a youngster .
12 After a spell at Leicester City , he returned to Wigan in 1989 as chief executive and took over team affairs when Ray Matthias was sacked .
13 In 1808 he returned to Wavertree .
14 He then became kadi of Amasya , then defterdar , then kadi of Damascus in 927–8/1521 , after which " posts diverse of rank " , as Mecdi writes , he returned to teaching , according to Taskopruzade at the Sultan Murad Khan medrese in Bursa , according to Mecdi at the Yildirimhan ( Bayezid I ) medrese in Bursa , and then , according to both , with 70 akce a day at the Sahn , from which he was subsequently removed , dying in retirement with a pension of 80 akce .
15 Having arranged for it to be put on the grave that afternoon , he returned to Weatherbury in the evening , with a basket of flowering plants .
16 ‘ Our physio Jim Walker was great for me , tried to cheer me up by explaining that Mark Hughes had the same problem when he returned to Manchester United from Barcelona .
17 ‘ Our physio Jim Walker was great for me , tried to cheer me up by explaining that Mark Hughes had the same problem when he returned to Manchester United from Barcelona .
18 Three years later he returned to Manchester New College , and in 1888 he became assistant minister to Philip Wicksteed in Little Portland Street , London .
19 He returned to Addis Ababa with his family in January 1915 .
20 At the end of the vacation — in the last two weeks of September — he returned to Ulster , and Albert gratefully recorded , jacks returned .
21 At the end of the war , he returned to Ulster hoping to inherit one of the family 's traditional seats and a career in politics .
22 His VC was presented to him in the Western Desert by Montgomery , and he returned to New Zealand in 1943 after active service in Greece , Crete and North Africa .
23 When the war ended in 1813 , he returned to New York and took up an appointment in charge of the design and construction of ships for the U.S. Navy in its Brooklyn yard .
24 He returned to New York under a cloud of gloom and despair , though relieved in another way .
25 From 1938 to 1940 he was in England ; he returned to New Zealand in 1940 , working at various jobs until 1942 , when he joined the NZRAF , in which he spent three years .
26 In 1794 he returned to mineralogy , studying at the Freiburg Bergakademie under Abraham Gottlob Werner .
27 When he returned to Danzig Greisser was treated as a conquering hero , and was greeted by cheering crowds at the railway station .
28 He returned to Alexandria some eight years later , in his coffin .
29 Carlisle 's negotiations for the restoration of the long-standing English trading privileges withdrawn on the execution of Charles I were unsuccessful , as were Hebdon 's own efforts when he returned to Russia in 1667 for the last time , this time as envoy himself .
30 He came to England as a Rhodes Scholar in 1958 , and after a year of teaching at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore he returned to Oxford for three years in the early 1960s as research fellow and junior dean at St John 's College .
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