Example sentences of "he [adv] agree that " in BNC.

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1 Does he further agree that if that proportion were to be raised to 20 per cent. , overnight every household bill would rise by 50 per cent ?
2 Does he further agree that the levels achieved have been assisted by investment in the United Kingdom , including Northern Ireland , by American and Japanese companies ?
3 Does he further agree that it is sheer hypocrisy to oppose privatisation in principle and to promise more nationalisation , yet to claim that there will still be privatisation proceeds to spend , as did a Labour Front-Bench Treasury spokesperson this morning ?
4 Does my right hon. Friend agree that , in contrast , the Government have been responsible and does he further agree that the policies of the Opposition seem to be —
5 Does he further agree that we must now have a fundamental review of the 1988 package , as advocated by the Labour party ?
6 Does he further agree that people in the Province deserve equally high standards of security and protection from terrorism as those who live on the mainland ?
7 Does he further agree that that speaks volumes for the decency of the British farming community , which does not react in kind to French imports ?
8 Does he further agree that the time has come for a period of consolidation ?
9 Does he further agree that the Labour party wants to sign up to the social chapter only in order to regain its power by having beer and sandwiches at No. 10 ?
10 Does he further agree that there is a need to reopen neighbourhood police stations and to put more emphasis on community policing ?
11 Does he further agree that it would be a grave injustice indeed to put swingeing extra taxes on the savings of these people as a result of the profligacy of socialism ?
12 Does he further agree that the report condemns the trendy , discredited methods put forward by Labour and calls for a return to traditional teaching ?
13 Does he further agree that there might be a case for extending the training of social workers , especially in this area ?
14 Does he further agree that that needs to be a Europe which is not only open and ready to trade fully with the rest of the world , but also ready to grapple with the greatest danger facing European stability , a danger which was scarcely mentioned at Maastricht , and which must be faced by ensuring that the nations of eastern Europe make it all the way to open democracies and that the vast and scattered nuclear arsenal of the former Soviet Union is brought under proper control and we prevent a great proliferation of nuclear weapons in the successor states ?
15 Does he further agree that the best security for the people of Northern Ireland is in talks and an agreement between political leaders and parties within Northern Ireland so that they may govern their own Province in the interests of all its people ?
16 Does he further agree that the fact that 71 vessels have been ordered by the Ministry of Defence since 1979 confirms what my hon. Friends and I have always believed — that under the present Government the Royal Navy will continue to play an important role and provide a fine career in the foreseeable future ?
17 Would my right , would my right honourable friend agree that the use of American and French and British planes to bomb the hills around Sarajevo may not necessarily produce lasting peace in Bosnia and would he further agree that if the idea is to achieve a demilitarised zone , policed effectively around Sarajevo then the best chances of so doing are by ensuring that Russian soldier in United Nations uniforms , in integrated units with British and French forces so help in the policing of that zone .
18 Does he also agree that it is an insult to all that Parliament stands for if the House meets from 10 pm to 11.30 pm to discuss matters that have already been decided in Brussels ?
19 Does he also agree that the European Community should be an evolutionary community , not a revolutionary one ?
20 Does he also agree that the reservations in his party about a single currency have more to do with nationalism than with economics ?
21 Does he also agree that the increase this year is extremely valuable and that steps should be taken towards improving houses in rural districts , where improvement grants are particularly valuable and welcome ?
22 Does he also agree that one state which does not meet the generally accepted criteria for recognition is the federal state of Yugoslavia , which has lost control of its own army ?
23 Does he also agree that there has been a noticeable change of opinion in the business community , in that in 1990 it thought that we could go into the exchange rate mechanism without any disadvantage whereas it is now beginning to realise that the ERM obliges us to have a higher exchange rate and higher real interest rates than are appropriate for domestic needs ?
24 Does he also agree that only by standing shoulder to shoulder with our American and NATO allies have we been able to win the war against communism in the Soviet bloc ?
25 Does he also agree that a minimum wage and higher taxation would lead to even greater unemployment ?
26 Does he also agree that a large part of the excellence stems from the fact that its members have the right training from day one , when they join the armed forces ?
27 Does he also agree that the imposition of the social chapter , which both parties opposite would like to force on this country , would not only destroy our competitive advantage but more importantly would destroy jobs ?
28 Does he now agree that it should be based in Manchester ?
29 Will he now agree that the figure of 380 was that recommended by the review ?
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