Example sentences of "he [vb past] little [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He made little attempt at conversation and showed no surprise that he should be asked to drive to Boulogne in the middle of the afternoon to pick up a well-dressed but grubby Englishman .
2 But he made little effort to develop this outside his own definitions of the genealogical method , while his shift into the problematics of power seemed to lead him into a labyrinth from which it was virtually impossible to extract himself .
3 He wasted little time in finding a replacement , choosing the widowed Mary of Guise .
4 So in his first major speech as leader in parliament he wasted little time on the customary compliments and warned the government that he intended to play hard .
5 It was wonderful to be so close to him again , to feel no barriers between them , and he wasted little time before possessing her with such quick , hot urgency that she was left behind .
6 Once free of these troubles he wasted little time in turning his attention to England .
7 The estate and the house might both be high-value assets , but the conditions of his inheritance forced him to keep both intact and he got little currency out of them beyond the woodland leases and the shooting rights .
8 When he first raised the idea with Mikhail Gorbachev and Edward Shevardnadze in 1987 , he got little response .
9 But in Protestant England , even in Oxford under the chancellorship of Archbishop Laud , he encountered little resistance .
10 They did not like his presence but he found little difficulty in scaring them off , or evading them if they tried to mob him , and the food in these places was plentiful .
11 But he found little guidance in Scripture as to how a subject or bishop should behave when his sovereign was determined to undo the Reformation .
12 While Franco 's energies were focused on the military progress of the war , he devoted little attention to its political aspects .
13 Within three overs Gooch had his century , his first against Pakistan , 17th in all , ninth in his 27 Tests as England captain , and for once he bore little resemblance to lonely General Gordon , whose last stand is immortalised by George Joy in Leeds Art Gallery .
14 He bore little resemblance to the photograph in the newspaper , with wide hamster-like cheeks and a narrow chin masked by his spade beard .
15 He was obliged to attend some party functions and to receive the chief guests along with the hostess , but he received little pleasure from such occasions and rarely attended them outside London .
16 In his opinion , he received little attention from his wife : ‘ She 's completely wrapped up in the children .
17 He walked across the floor and , although he caused little sound , the whole room vibrated with his weight .
18 At Cambridge he showed little aptitude for study and tended to be diverted by horse-racing and other forms of gambling .
19 He showed little interest in the CPRS , but was happy enough to keep it and sent Lord Rothschild a chirpy Prime Minister 's personal minute on 1 April 1974 which Rothschild reproduced in his Random Variables :
20 He showed little interest in Jewish law or customs .
21 The pope came nearest to a characteristic post-conciliar viewpoint over social justice ; here indeed his major encyclicals could be regarded as constituting a high-water mark in ‘ progressive ’ concern , even adopting elements of a Marxist analysis beyond any of his predecessors ; he was also , very moderately , ecumenical , though he showed little interest in the theological implications of an ecumenical agenda .
22 I tried to engage him in conversation about the analogy between pottery and alchemy , and Laura prompted him to share ideas that had long been familiar to them both , but he showed little interest .
23 He paid little attention to the service itself .
24 He paid little attention to his cabinet , taking most decisions by himself and keeping ministers in ignorance .
25 She wiped it hastily away ; Roman was n't hers to keep and , though he paid little attention to Dana , she was determined to have her own way , and Claudia knew that what Dana wanted she usually got .
26 It was a role to which he seemed well suited , for he displayed little originality of mind and almost no strong convictions — except in defence of the Church of England .
27 The point could be put differently by suggesting that in his notions of a " community of Christians " and " parochial units " he displayed little understanding of the nature of English life — his grasp of it was theoretical rather than actual ; just as he adopted almost too perfectly the dress and manners of an Englishman , so he offered an idealized and therefore unconvincing account of English society .
28 True , there was Crown prince Tupouto'a waiting in the wings , but he spent little time in Tonga and had a reputation as a playboy — a Farouk-like figure given to white suits and expensive lady friends .
29 He adored little Kirsty .
30 When his friends the Barberini were obliged for political reasons to leave Rome in 1644 and settled in Paris he lost little time in entertaining them and the French Court with Italian operas .
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