Example sentences of "he [vb past] been running " in BNC.

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1 And breathless too , as if he 'd been running .
2 He had big banks of lights and speakers on either side of his console with some lower-level relays here in the ballroom ; he 'd been running some smoke and dry ice earlier , and some of it still hung in the air and gave the lighted area beyond the doorways the effect of some offworld film set .
3 Tonight he 'd been running swabs from the theatres down to the furnace room , in sealed bags and boxes that had been taped and marked with every imaginable hazard warning .
4 He 'd been working too hard in college , and even harder since he 'd been running the farm .
5 When Douglas MacArthur returned to America , MacArthur had not been back to America since nineteen forty one this is ten years later , he 'd been running Japan in the meantime there was one of these huge ticker-tape parades in New York , he was the welcoming hero and President Truman was seen as the villain and some analysts argue that that decision , that single decision to sack MacArthur may well have cost Harry Truman the American presidency .
6 He had been running in international events since the Olympics of 1932 . ’
7 He had been running , running as hard as he could to break his record for the five miles .
8 When he woke , sweating and exhausted , with his heart thudding as though he had been running , it was properly morning .
9 But it was more than a shock when Julian admitted to Peter that he had been running up huge debts with their bank .
10 IF he had been running a 100 metre sprint final , little Louis Stevens could n't have scampered any faster yesterday .
11 It was as if he had been running a high temperature or tripped out of his head on acid .
12 He had been running his own freelance investment fund with a few billion yen in assets .
13 But although ‘ Tuxy ’ Girdle may not have been a youthful Hooligan , it did emerge that he had been running whores and he received a substantial sentence of penal servitude for the assault on the man whom the gang had suspected of being a police spy .
14 One instant he had been running flat out , the next he had stopped , whipped round to face them , and dropped into a defensive crouch .
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