Example sentences of "he [verb] into contact " in BNC.

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1 He came into contact with our world of climbing early , delivering telegrams from the post office on his bike to Mr Winthrop Young and Mr Mallory at Pen y Pass , or to Mr Carr at Beddgelert .
2 In his travels before the war he came into contact with a French student , Jean Lassère , a pacifist , who encouraged Bonhoeffer to take the Sermon on the Mount seriously , and to live it out fully .
3 Suddenly , at the base , he came into contact with a round object which felt fragile and fitted comfortably in his palm .
4 When the school , with which he had found employment in Ramsgate , removed to Isleworth in Middlesex , he went with it and whilst there he came into contact with the Protestant Church circles which were Free Churches , i.e. not tied to either the Church of England , or the Roman Catholics .
5 He was a born painter and teacher , unpretentious , with a profound humility , observing the natural changes in a landscape and transposing these observations into his understanding of the people with whom he came into contact .
6 He spent some time in Calcutta where he came into contact with the Indian Communist Party .
7 Largely self-taught in Marxist literature , he joined the Marxist British Socialist party , where he came into contact with Russian Marxist exiles such as Maxim Litvinov and Georgi Chicherin .
8 Possibly as a result of connections forged in his native county , he came into contact with Humphrey de Bohun , sixth Earl of Hereford , by whom he was retained with a life annuity of £40 .
9 In 1922 he came into contact with Moritz Schlick , professor of philosophy and founder of the Vienna Circle .
10 Through Wilcock , too , he came into contact with another American , Tuli Kupferberg , whose poetry and cartoons astonished him , and with Paul Krassner and his Realist .
11 As a result he was sent to Arles , where he came into contact with the rhetorician Julianus Pomerius .
12 He could also still imitate anyone with whom he came into contact , although his days of giving his impressions of Winston Churchill or Nellie Wallace ( nobody would know who Nellie Wallace was in 1962 ) were by now over .
13 The real trouble with old Tom had been that when he came into contact with the evil mind , the scheming , devious , manipulative mind of some murderers , he could not bear it .
14 Stephen O'Brien is a remarkable man , liked and respected by everyone he comes into contact with .
15 Yielding to the phantom 's temptation to remove all power of memory from him , Redlaw finds that he has also lost all compassion and humanity , and infects all those with whom he comes into contact with a like insensibility .
16 Rather than losing a life when he comes into contact with a creature , Egor merely becomes more frightened until , when the bar representing his fear level reaches its limit , he screams and pops his clogs ( something I can identify with after seeing my caricature , as created by the evil hand of our Art Editor ) .
17 In this sense he is like Mrs Ghandi , who as India 's prime minister ordered the attack on the Sikh Golden Temple and was later murdered by her Sikh bodyguard : having desecrated the holiest places of a fierce and unforgiving religion , Saddam 's life is potentially in danger from every Shiite he comes into contact with .
18 After the beginner has acquired the basic principles of kung fu and enough knowledge to string together simple one- and two-step techniques , he comes into contact with what are known as ‘ forms ’ .
19 As the beginner progresses to advanced techniques , he comes into contact with a very famous kicking method , called the axe kick .
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