Example sentences of "he [verb] on television " in BNC.

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1 He declared on television that " Poland 's painful but necessary programme of getting out of economic catastrophe can only be realized with the understanding of the majority of the nation " and that " the country had made its choice " .
2 When he appears on television or in the media , he pooh-poohs and belittles it , and gives the impression that we are exaggerating the problem .
3 When he saw on television the public cheering me and reaching out to shake my hand , he said , ‘ You know , it 's not everyone who says ‘ well done ’ to you that means it .
4 ‘ He idolised the professional wrestlers he saw on television , and was determined to get in on action . ’
5 Heroines , at least the ones he saw on television or in the cinema , were not supposed to look like this .
6 But then he went on television with his wife Hillary , a forceful , highly political lawyer .
7 If he loses a vote of no-confidence in parliament , he could yet try to force such an election , appealing over parliament 's head to the voters — as he did on television this week .
8 First of all , he appeared on television like he was some kind of game-show berk , not a businessman .
9 In 1986 Aids sufferer Martin Roberts , of Criccieth , Gwynedd , was banned from public swimming pools by the Sports Council of Wales and Arfon and Anglesey councils after he appeared on television talking about his condition .
10 ‘ The next parliament will not serve merely as a forum for making political statements but rather as a national institute in which we will all take part in formulating the country 's policies , ’ he said on television before leaving on a three-nation tour as part of Middle East peace efforts .
11 ‘ I have no higher obligation than to safeguard the lives of American citizens , ’ he said on television .
12 Last Thursday , he said on television : ’ If that convergence is not achieved then the establishment of a ( single ) currency could be a tremendous dislocation and be at tremendous cost . ’
13 North 's screen persona , which appeared suddenly to seize the country by the throat when he testified on television in July 1987 , had therefore been set at least seven months before .
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