Example sentences of "he [verb] for himself " in BNC.

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1 He made for himself a special balance with which he could measure the exact proportions of two metals in a mixture or alloy .
2 In it the pope said nothing about homage , and argued temperately against lay investitures , minimizing their importance , and denying that he sought for himself any increase of authority or any diminution of the king 's due power .
3 Throughout his life the author loved and drew inspiration from the whole region , from Smailholm to ‘ Scott 's View ’ above the river Tweed and the house he built for himself at Abbotsford .
4 He built for himself a house ( Larkscliff ) on the cliffs at Birchington , Kent ( 1906 ) .
5 His prosperity is shown by the ‘ magnificent dwelling house ’ which he built for himself on the north Thames frontage immediately to the east of the Fleet canal .
6 Andrew knows that , and he does say he writes for himself "
7 The character of X. Trapnel , for which he served as model , in Anthony Powell 's A Dance to the Music of Time ( 12 vols. , 1951–75 ) gives an impression of the persona he created for himself .
8 But at the age of forty he was at last beginning to wonder whether the image he created for himself in his twenties could stay with him for ever .
9 Physical possession would be emotional pillage , her identity , free will and pride the spoils he claimed for himself .
10 The other he reserved for himself .
11 His letter contained an account of all the birds he had seen : a common goatsucker that flew gracefully round and round the ship for an hour , although it had ‘ in all probability passed the night on the wing ’ ; a female yellow wagtail that alighted only for a moment ; numerous petrels , five of which he killed for himself , and one for use in Mr Yarrell 's work ( a History of British Birds ) ; a flight of swallows , and several small turtle doves , which ‘ visited the ship [ and ] went off again immediately ’ ; a kestrel which was killed ‘ from off the Rigging ’ ; a short-eared owl which flew on board during the night , was caught and kept alive for several days ; and hundreds of shearwaters , which surrounded the ship off Madeira and the Salvage Rocks .
12 ‘ So of course the informer — he worked for himself , not the state — tried to find some proof of this .
13 In some forests he took for himself the profits of the minor pleas : a thirteenth-century Cumberland jury swore that if any man ‘ furtively ’ felled an oak in Inglewood Forest , then the warden 's duty was ‘ to attach his body according to the law of the forest ’ to answer before the Justice of the Forest at the Forest Eyre .
14 Whether his books were or were not weighty , he thought for himself , and was no man 's copy .
15 The war inside himself was a small conflagration compared with the bombardments he saw for himself and read about daily .
16 On April 1-2 he saw for himself the effects of internecine war when he toured the Natal townships ; on April 5 , after his meeting with de Klerk , it was announced that talks would take place in the near future about the remaining obstacles to full negotiations .
17 But much of it he saw for himself .
18 As a son of William , the former secretary of the BDDA , he was familiar with the deaf world from childhood and , as frequently happens with hearing children of deaf parents , he chose for himself a career connected with deafness .
19 Some of his boys he treated like kept poodles , thereby displacing the scorn he felt for himself .
20 He declined the cigarette , he lit for himself a small cigar .
21 Yeah he 'll he 'll I remember he cooks for himself , does n't he an ?
22 All I wanted was an exceptional career for Jean-Claude , for that was what he wanted for himself .
23 The reputation he gained for himself was one he seemed to enjoy .
24 For if he did not assume that " mind " is an exclusive property of the observer , he would have to suppose that the stuff he observes possesses the same qualities of imagination as he claims for himself .
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