Example sentences of "on the far [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the continuum of penal philosophy which stretches from the punitive to the reformative , the Nicaraguan penal system has placed itself on the far edge of reform .
2 Overshooting its intended target , the flare cartridge smashed into the bole of a tree on the far edge of the clearing , burst into blazing life and dropped sputtering to the ground , giving off clouds of acrid green smoke .
3 Wallace had a good goal disallowed as Strach was on the far edge of the 6 yard box and deemed to be interfering with play when Wallace scored .
4 From the ceiling on the far wall , a shaft of bright , dusty light focused on a rusting office desk .
5 On the far wall as you entered from the street , to the left , was the piano ; the door from the kitchen on the right .
6 On the far wall , opposite the door , was a big black wooden crucifix .
7 He crossed the room , pulled back the arras on the far wall and went into his own secret chamber .
8 There were three APCs in the yard , with their light cannon trained on the far wall .
9 There was a fresco of knights on the far wall done in medieval style in plaster .
10 She nodded curtly as he padded towards a door on the far wall .
11 Cameron slept instantly , and woke and dreamed and woke and dreamed for hours — the river , the cold shock of the water between his legs , the glimmer of light on the far shore , the current filling his mouth , he swam against it , it helped him , he struck out as smoothly as a seal , skimming effortlessly , he could power onwards forever , the water buoying him , his hand stroking it easily backwards without a splash …
12 Wigeon grazed on the far shore .
13 A flirting tail on the far shore promised excitement : grey back , pale yellow on breast , deeper yellow under tail , black line of folded wings .
14 On the far shore lay Sinai .
15 One day a figure appeared on the far shore .
16 On the far shore , the sky at Port Sunlight
17 A gentle sun now emerged , the sea became blue , and low dune-shaped hills appeared on the far horizon .
18 The countryside became more deserted , farmsteads and villages more sparse as they approached the green mass of trees on the far horizon which Corbett knew must be the great Forest of Ettrick .
19 Show respect , ’ said Garvey to Lucie , who was leaning against the corner strut of the stage with his eyes fixed on the far horizon .
20 He could see the flashes on the far horizon beyond the city .
21 Over on the Far West Buttresses , Ian Lloyd-Jones and Clive Stephenson added Clog Dancing , E2 5a/b , 5c which takes a line left of Farfallino , and A Fistful Of Pockets , E3 5c , which follows the obvious weakness on the left-hand side of the buttress .
22 He looked around and within a radius of twenty yards , both on his side of the street and over there on the far corner , he could see ten or a dozen little girls , each in a pale dirty dress and with hair in a dark , tangled mane .
23 A little further up is a right turn and on the far corner of this a chip shop .
24 Many are on the far left , others on the rabble-rousing populist right .
25 Russian into business.Market stalls might not hold that much interest for the average Briton , but for Ekaterina Likhoda from Nizhni Tagil in the Russian Urals , ( see below , far right with South Wales Society president Paul Marshall — also pictured on the far left are Ekaterina 's interpreter , Olga Lewis , and Michelle Thomson , owner of the fruit stall ) it was all part of an unusual business-study trip arranged for her by the Institute 's General Practitioner Board .
26 The picture on the far left shows the divide between the two , says Dr Trower .
27 All this activity and talk of new Rainbow Alliances chimed perfectly with Lowe 's newspaper plan , which he had always seen as partly being based on , and partly bringing about , greater co-operation on the far left .
28 The green section could be on the far left ( upper panel of Fig. 2 ) or the far right ( lower panel of Fig. 2 ) .
29 A third view of the revolution has been developed by writers on the far Left of the political spectrum .
30 During the parliamentary debates it had become clear that the government would be able to count on external support from the Socialist Party of Labour on the far left , the Greater Romania Party on the far right and several other nationalist groups .
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