Example sentences of "be serve on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The salad may be served on a bed of raw spinach .
2 ( 3 ) Where for the purposes of insolvency proceedings any process or order of the court , or other document , is required to be served on a person who is not in England and Wales , the court may order service to be effected within such time , on such person , at such place and in such manner as it thinks fit , and may also require such proof of service as it thinks fit .
3 ( b ) Service and acknowledgment A writ or originating summons may be served on a firm in any of the following ways : ( 1 ) by service on any one or more of the partners ; or ( 2 ) by personal service at the principal place of business on the manager of the firm ; or ( 3 ) by post to the principal place of business ; ( 4 ) in such other manner as may be agreed between the parties ( see Kenneth Allison Ltd v A E Limehouse & Co [ 1991 ] 3WLR 672 ) .
4 A summons must be served on a limited company by leaving it at , or by sending it by post to , the registered office pursuant to s 725(1) of the Companies Act , 1985 .
5 A writ can still be served on a limited company by sending it by first class post to the registered office , but following the Practice Direction ( QBD ) ( Service of Documents : First and Second Class Mail ) ( 1985 ) 8 March [ 1985 ] 1 WLR 489 the presumption will be of service on the second working day after posting by first class post or the fourth working day after posting by second class post .
6 A copy of the application duly endorsed must be served on every respondent to the proceedings .
7 The likelihood loomed that there would be a major public inquiry , that a Dangerous Structures Notice would be served on the spire , that the spire would then be truncated and the church mutilated , and that rain would start pouring through the roof , resulting in a massive outbreak of dry rot .
8 If complaints still continue after the disposal licence conditions have been complied with , and if the disposal authority is of the opinion that a modification of those conditions is desirable to achieve further improvement in abating any odorous emissions still being caused , a notice may be served on the licence holder , under s.7(1) ( a ) ( i ) to that effect .
9 It is an essential part of that recovery that a request in writing for recovery shall be served on the offeree .
10 Meals are personally supervised by the owner , Signor Camera , and can be served on the terrace .
11 Original marble floors and high arched ceilings remain and a spacious restaurant offers a choice of meals which can also be served on the covered terrace , overlooking the gardens .
12 Meals can be served on the terrace or in the restaurant where marble , mirrors and chandeliers maintain the traditional feel , with large picture windows overlooking the delightful garden — where strains can often be heard from the nearby Opera House .
13 If no list has been registered , or the persons named have died , or ceased to reside in Great Britain , or refuse to accept service on the company 's behalf or for any reason can not be served , a document may be served on the company by leaving it at , or sending it by post to , any place of business established by the company in Great Britain .
14 It can be served on the person undertaking the activity , or on a person in control of it at the time the notice was served .
15 This notice would be served on the person who is deemed to be contravening the provision and this could include any person on whom responsibilities are placed , whether he is an employer , an employed person , or a supplier of equipment or materials .
16 The importance of the registered office is that it is the address where writs may be served on the company and where communications may be sent .
17 ‘ If a committal order is made , the order shall be for the issue of a warrant of committal and , unless the judge otherwise orders — ( a ) a copy of the order shall be served on the person to be committed either before or at the time of the execution of the warrant ; or ( b ) where the warrant has been signed by the judge , the order for issue of the warrant may be served on the person to be committed at any time within 36 hours after the execution of the warrant .
18 ‘ If a committal order is made , the order shall be for the issue of a warrant of committal and , unless the judge otherwise orders — ( a ) a copy of the order shall be served on the person to be committed either before or at the time of the execution of the warrant ; or ( b ) where the warrant has been signed by the judge , the order for issue of the warrant may be served on the person to be committed at any time within 36 hours after the execution of the warrant .
19 Just like scones , they should be served on the day that they are baked .
20 ( 4 ) On renewing a licence under this Part of this Act a licensing board may by order , to be served on the holder , direct that , within a time fixed by the order , such structural alterations shall be made in the premises comprising the canteen as the board thinks reasonably necessary to secure the proper conduct of the canteen ; and if , when application for renewal of the licence is next made after the time fixed by the order has expired , it is not shown to the satisfaction of the licensing board that the order has been complied with , the licensing board may refuse to renew the licence .
21 ( 6 ) A notice of the application of this section to , or of the disapplication of this section from , any premises : ( a ) shall be in writing ; ( b ) shall , in the case of a club , be given by the secretary of the club on its behalf ; ( c ) shall , in the case of a notice of application , specify the date from which the section is to apply to the premises and , in the case of a notice of disapplication , state that the section is to cease to apply to the premises on the date specified in the notice ; ( d ) shall be served on the chief constable not later than 14 days before the date specified as aforesaid .
22 ( 6 ) ( c ) ) ; and ( iii ) be served on the chief constable more than 14 days before the date of application of the section ( subs .
23 ( 6 ) A notice of the application of this section to , or of the disapplication of this section from , any premises : ( a ) shall be in writing ; ( b ) shall , in the case of a club , be given by the secretary of the club on its behalf ; ( c ) shall , in the case of a notice of application , specify the date from which the section is to apply to the premises and , in the case of a notice of disapplication , state that the section is to cease to apply to the premises on the date specified in the notice ; ( d ) shall be served on the chief constable not later than 14 days before the date specified as aforesaid .
24 ( 6 ) A notice of the application of this section to , or of the disapplication of this section from , any premises : ( a ) shall be in writing ; shall , in the case of a notice of application , specify the date from which the section is to apply to the premises and , in the case of a notice of disapplication , state that the section is to cease to apply to the premises on the date specified in the notice ; ( b ) shall be served on the chief constable not later than 14 days before the date specified as aforesaid .
25 If , however , the defendant is a mental patient , the summons must be served on the person , if any , who is authorised under the Mental Health Act 1983 , Pt VII to conduct proceedings on the defendant 's behalf or if there is no such person , then on the person with whom he resides or in whose care he is ( Ord 10 , r 4(1) ) .
26 Notice in N 220(1) is to be served on the " representative " of the defendant .
27 Where applications are made on notice : ( a ) notice is to be served on the opposite party and filed in the court not less than two days before the hearing , unless the court gives leave for short notice ; and ( b ) the party making the application is responsible for ascertaining that the court will be available to hear the application and that sufficient time will be available .
28 A copy of the third party notice must be served on the plaintiff ( Ord 12 , r 1(1) , ( 4 ) , ( 5 ) , ( 6 ) .
29 The order for reference has to be served on the arbitrator as well as the parties , but only when such sum for the arbitrator 's fees as the district judge determines has been paid into court ( Ord 19 , r 4 ) .
30 The summons shall be issued not less than seven days before the date upon which attendance before the court is required unless the judge or district judge otherwise directs and shall be served on the witness not less than four days before the date upon which attendance before the court is required unless the judge or registrar otherwise directs .
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