Example sentences of "be cut [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is , however , a lovely feeling to be cutting through timber with the slightest of pressure .
2 The roads , notwithstanding King Charles was pleased to say the county of Norfolk was only fit to be cut into roads for the rest of his kingdom are unpardonably bad ; narrow shaded and never mended ; they are numerous however especially the bridle-roads ; so that a traveller on horseback has generally the choice of two or three ways of nearly equal length to the same place …
3 ‘ By the hairs of my ancestors ’ beards , you 'll be cut into collops and burned in the chimneys of tara ! ’ he cried .
4 And then , before that , if you if you was to make the mealy puddings the it that always had to be cut into bits and emptied and washed well in cold water , and with salt and that , and that was They would done that for three days before they were then filled up to make the mealy puddings .
5 Then the gong sounded for tea , which somehow had to be endured , the shrimps shelled , the bread buttered , the milk and tea poured into the cups , Victoria 's cake to be cut into fingers so that she could eat it all up .
6 But then next day after the s pig was killed up it was The the head had to be cut into sections and well cleaned and left overnight in the salt water and To clean any bloody parts on it .
7 The lobster meat can be cut into scallops and piled neatly back into the shells .
8 If the patient eats meat , it should be cut into chunks or cubes , not minced .
9 Where pipes are to be angled across walls , they should be cut into 1m lengths and a connector/support fitted between lengths .
10 The requirements , which are mandatory , were published the previous December by the NHBC , and include measures to treat any timber which has to be cut during construction ; however , their main aim is to ensure that the timber frame is kept dry in the moist British climate .
11 Corners can be cut on flowers and remember , the flowers at the reception are going to be seen for a longer time than those in the church .
12 They may be designed primarily to be cut for hay or silage , for grazing , or for a combination of cutting and grazing .
13 You will , however , be doing them a service if you collect your specimens from a field about to be cut for hay , from a hedgerow bordering a field about to be sprayed or a site being cleared for building work .
14 Meadows would be cut for hay once a year , and pastures would be grazed and never ploughed , planted or plied with artificial fertilisers and pesticides .
15 These crops may be cut with tractor-mower as the lie of the straw is unimportant .
16 The steel tape had to be cut with wire-cutters , then soldered , and then it had to be ‘ tempered ’ before it could run through the machine — which it did with a loud clang !
17 NOx be cut to 11.8g/Kw/hr , and particulates to 11.8 g/Kw/hr , That level will still be significantly higher than US levels , but much lower than vehicles currently being sold .
18 Glass can be bought in ready-cut sizes , or in larger stock sheets that are less costly but have to be cut to size .
19 Vertical wooden battens should be cut to size and nailed into place
20 Providing posts are of the correct spacing , replacement is easy , but where posts are closer , a panel may have to be cut to size .
21 Welding trainee Paul Marlborough , 21 , of Moore Street , Hartlepool , said : ‘ The scheme has been told its funding is to be cut to £39,000 for a full year 's training , but it needs much more than that to survive .
22 I 'll fall in and be cut to pieces ! ’
23 There was no longer anywhere for me to hide , and I knew I would be cut to pieces by the giants ' sharp knives .
24 ‘ We can not afford a hope-for-the best cavalier approach or we will be cut to pieces on the break . ’
25 Chill Pads can be cut to length and are packaged in 120m rolls , costing £240 .
26 The kit provides superstrong hanger bars , which can be cut to length as required , plus all the fixing brackets , housings , screws and the centre section that you need
27 These strong steel tracks can be cut to length by a supplier , pre-bent to fit an awkward bay , and have the additional advantage of being ready corded .
28 Samples will be cut to $1,900 from $3,375 next month .
29 Perhaps she could have a little porch built over the side door and a bit could be cut off Lizzie 's kitchen to make a small hall .
30 The leader 's allowance will be cut from £1,000 to £900 , his deputy from £800 to £720 and committee chairmen from the current £800 to £720 .
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