Example sentences of "be incorporate into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , some of the activities suggested can be incorporated into group-work with pupils of differing levels of visual competence .
2 The association of productivity levels with the extent of company commitment has been a theme among writers who have suggested that elements of the Japanese system should be incorporated into management practices in Western companies .
3 The exclusion clauses which may be incorporated into contracts between firms and their customers may conveniently be divided into three types , although there is some overlap between them .
4 Even in cases where the terms may be incorporated into contracts without being considered , or where the client has sufficient bargaining power to insist on its own terms , there are still advantages in the terms being acceptable to the client 's trading partners .
5 Many American court cases have established that even information gleaned by the subject outside of hypnosis , through casual comments or questions , news reports and the like , can accidentally be incorporated into memories during hypnosis .
6 This suggested that the functional antibody fragment could be incorporated into virion particles and displayed at their surface .
7 Family membership is highly valued , and new arrivals will be incorporated into groups resident in Britain , receiving practical and financial help if necessary .
8 If the relevant gene(s) could be incorporated into wheat , for example , it would reduce the number of herbicides required and extend the period of application .
9 As we saw in the last chapter , a study in William Dement 's laboratory verified that external stimuli could indeed be incorporated into dreams during REM sleep .
10 There 's a by-product , in that the images can also be incorporated into documents , including , strangely enough ( he said tongue-in-cheek ) , BoP , not least because the two programs are from the same stable .
11 Pacific Telesis Group Inc 's Pacific Bell unit named Northern Telecom Ltd as its primary vendor for its five-year $650m project to deploy Synchronous Optical Network equipment : the Canadian will supply S/DMS TransportNode OC-3 , OC-12 and OC-48 network equipment to handle local loop and inter-office communications requirements and the equipment will also be incorporated into Pacific Bell 's Asynchronous Transfer Mode broadband network ; the Baby Bell said that the investment in fibre optics and associated electronics advances its plans for a statewide all-digital network .
12 The OmniPoint Procurement Guide , which aims to enhance interoperability between products and systems based on different standards , is to be incorporated into Telekom 's procurement guidelines for all its data services , including packet- switched , Frame Relay and Metropolitan Area Networks , and leased line services .
13 Quoting an IBM vice president , InfoWorld says portions of Taligent 's object-oriented code could be incorporated into OS/2 and AIX next year .
14 Isochronous Ethernet , which can carry voice , video , image and data at speeds up to 16Mbps , will be incorporated into IBM 's family of ValuePoint personal computers by the first half of next year , Joe Panella , programme manager for IBM 's Entry Systems Technologies Division in Boca Raton , Florida told US PC Week .
15 But companies are at last cottoning on to this , and beginning to produce equipment that does n't just make sense to the MIDI-literate studio engineer , but can be incorporated into guitarists ' setups and actually used .
16 — finding information to be incorporated into assignments , projects and topics .
17 It is likely that by the time of its release in X11R6 — if that eventually happens — Fresco components could be incorporated into XT toolkits — it should be possible to have a gliff in an XT widget , for example .
18 Pagers are expected to be incorporated into telepoint telephones , offsetting the disadvantage of being able to make only outgoing calls .
19 Egg yolk lecithin ( phosophatidylcholine ) and cholesteryl oleate were dissolved in chloroform:methanol ( 2:1 ) and mixed together in a molar ratio of 25:1 as Forrest and Cushley have reported that a maximum of 5 mol% of cholesteryl ester can be incorporated into phosphatidylcholine vesicles .
20 Once collected , Third World genes are stored in company vaults or government gene banks waiting to be incorporated into seeds patented and controlled by the multinational companies which monopolize the patents .
21 Similarly , as more attention is paid to CAE , engineering and testing costs become more significant and need to be incorporated into product costs rather than left floating around as a general charge ‘ below the line ’ .
22 The cost of funds must be incorporated into investment analysis in one way or another , and DCF is probably the simplest technique for summarizing its impact .
23 These would be incorporated into SCOTVEC 's Guide to Procedures .
24 Such a feeling would be incorporated into Eliot 's own later work .
25 Further experimentation might lead to the identification of other difficulty factors which could be incorporated into criterion statements .
26 They will be relevant to any role involving training and development and will be incorporated into SVQs and NVQs .
27 Many of the small , pretty inland and coastal villages can be incorporated into walks .
28 The recommendation may be incorporated into food law eventually , but at the moment it pays to be aware of the difference between ‘ flavoured ’ and ‘ flavour ’ .
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