Example sentences of "be exclude from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All personal characteristics of offenders , including their subjective intent , should be excluded from consideration ; the sole measure of the punishment should be the objective harm done .
2 The moral problem arises from Beccaria 's insistence that all personal characteristics of offenders and circumstances of their offences should be excluded from consideration in determining punishments .
3 Lord Lane said it was clear the public could be excluded from court only if it was strictly necessary .
4 In order for settled property to be excluded from inheritance tax it is necessary that the settlor was not domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time the settlement was made and , in addition , it is necessary that at the time of the relevant charge , eg on the death of a life tenant or when a ten year charge occurs if the trust is a discretionary trust or where assets are appointed out of a discretionary trust , the particular trust assets are not located in the United Kingdom .
5 Material , otherwise privileged , would be excluded from protection only in what , it is to be hoped , is the very rare case of the crooked solicitor who holds the material intending to use it for the furtherance of a personal criminal purpose .
6 For example , in April people who refuse to attend a job plan workshop after one year , rather than the current two years , stand to be excluded from benefit .
7 It is now clearly established as a principle of good practice that parents should be invited to attend case conferences , although they may be excluded from part of the proceedings .
8 of eligible ewes would be excluded from payment .
9 In addition to the above , for overseas deliveries there may also be additional prohibited items , which would also be excluded from insurance cover .
10 On the other hand , the membership of corporate bodies may be excluded from knowledge of , or control over , the process of cooperation and bargaining .
11 Strictly , therefore , these same items should be excluded from government expenditure .
12 Of course we can not be excluded from progress within the Community .
13 This makes it no longer obvious that v should be excluded from eqn ( 21.16 ) .
14 This makes it no longer obvious that δ should be excluded from eqn ( 21.14 ) .
15 So far as the Cossacks were concerned , just as much as for the British , the overriding question was not whether certain individuals should be excluded from repatriation because they held non-Soviet passports , but whether the various formations of " Cossacks " as a whole should or should not be repatriated .
16 When the United Nations Organization was created in June 1945 , Spain was debarred , thanks to a proposal made by the Mexican delegation to the effect that countries whose regimes had been assisted by anti-democratic states should be excluded from membership .
17 I can understand that with competitions it is correct for employees of all companies involved to be excluded from entry , but surely there is not a problem in selling Hovis to your employees , or any other product for that matter ?
18 Thus the EC Commission and Council , not content with amending the Consumer Credit Directive to specify the equation which must be satisfied for a correct statement of the annual percentage rate of charge and the items that are to be excluded from computation of the total charge for credit , threaten a further Directive prescribing a single mathematical formula for calculating the A P R. But why ?
19 Deinomenid policy at Syracuse had been successful in creating wealth and with it a prosperous agricultural class , which could not be excluded from office forever .
20 Essentially those who felt themselves to be excluded from power decided to support a perfectly plausible claimant to the throne who had been waiting on the sidelines for such a following to materialize .
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