Example sentences of "be exclude from the " in BNC.

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1 This does not mean however that mental processes are in some way divorced from the physical world , nor does it mean that they should be excluded from the subject matter of natural science .
2 The ADC felt that this was ironic , given that a property has to be close to amenities if it is to be excluded from the Right to Buy ;
3 The Hundred Group recommends that nationalised industries should be allowed to borrow without Government guarantee and that the borrowings should be excluded from the PSBR .
4 Clean air is an example of non-excludability : if some people incur costs to avoid pollution , those who do not pay can not be excluded from the benefits .
5 Without this element , there would be no way of excluding planned revenge killings , and the argument is that they should be excluded from the defence because a person who plans a response to an affront or a wrong ought to ensure that the response conforms with the law .
6 The roots of this injunction lie in the perception of woman as impure and hence to be excluded from the sacred male space .
7 Since the Greek minority would then be excluded from the rest of Albania this is an unusual example of a gift barring Greeks .
8 Judgement can never be excluded from the weeding process , but in recent years practitioners and researchers have sought a more reliable weeding criterion which can be applied scientifically to produce consistent results .
9 Those areas where the Board of Trade already operated JACs , or were about to do so , were to be excluded from the LEA schemes .
10 Bowe stressed that no hazardous or toxic waste should be excluded from the strictest regulation , whether that waste was going for disposal or for future use .
11 Some economists have argued that short-term unemployment should be excluded from the official figures in order that the statistics be made more useful to policy-makers .
12 It introduces several key changes to the way companies ' results are reported : the p&l account has an entirely new format ; extraordinary items become virtually extinct ; earnings per share will be calculated after any extraordinary items ; any gain or loss on disposal of revalued assets will be calculated with reference to the carrying value , and realised revaluation surpluses will therefore be excluded from the p&l account .
13 It makes perfect sense that old , disabled and non-adult persons should be excluded from the reference of this phrase , but no sense that women should be excluded — unless the word adult really means adult male .
14 The latter was properly the business of epistemology and to be excluded from the scientific practice of sociology .
15 You must not be excluded from the process of pastoral planning and decision making ’ .
16 By laying down tight guidelines and clear methods of instruction the state could more easily monitor success and at the same time ensure that doctrines and ideas which the party felt to be unacceptable could be excluded from the school curriculum .
17 In Chapter ii we found that a good deal of social science has been informed by this view ; but it is nevertheless natural to wonder why individualism should be excluded from the group of disciplines that aim to provide us with a grasp of the social world .
18 Who should be excluded from the air ?
19 Hence , a small family guest house or tea rooms may be excluded from the Act 's operation .
20 In practice , no group can be excluded from the process .
21 In this way , words in a definition that represent senses inappropriate to a domain will be unlikely to overlap with the filter set , and so be excluded from the new definition .
22 Shipping from the Soviet Union ( a third party to the Treaty of Versailles ) and Poland could not be excluded from the Canal as their navigational rights took priority over Germany 's customary law duties of neutrality .
23 Under the heading ‘ Social changes ’ the chapter says , in brief , that the deferential society is dead ; and that ‘ the coming of age of democracy in our society is a process that inevitably affects the whole of people 's lives ; it can not be excluded from the workplace . ’
24 West German electors recognize the propriety of indirect election justified by votes given to parties , and might well be surprised that political figures as eminent as Shirley Williams , Roy Jenkins and Enoch Powell could be excluded from the House of Commons simply by the say-so of voters in Cambridge , Glasgow Hillhead and Down South .
25 Much of the critical attention paid to its implications for special education has centred on the procedures by which children can be excluded from the ‘ common entitlement ’ through the disapplications and modifications permitted by the Act ( Norwich 1989 , Tomlinson 1990 ) .
26 Thus , occurrences in [ I ] have to be excluded from the main quantification , and the ( get ) subset , provided that we can accurately specify its membership , can in principle be quantified separately as a set of lexical alternants of the ( pull ) type ( 2b ) .
27 The Landlord and Tenant ( Licensed Premises ) Act 1990 repeals s. 43(1) ( d ) of the 1954 Act , which provided the above exemption , so licensed premises will no longer be excluded from the 1954 Act .
28 This punishment has an obvious appropriateness to the crime , because Plato in the Laws ( 871a ) recommends that murderers , another category of ‘ polluted ’ offender , be excluded from the ‘ harbour and the agora ’ .
29 ( As in inscriptions , e.g. Syll. 1016 from fourth-century BC Iasos in Karia : ‘ let him be excluded from the sacred place ’ . )
30 These will be excluded from the new scientific community and will perhaps takes refuge in a philosophy department .
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