Example sentences of "with [art] words [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When the reader does not need to dwell upon decoding , then words encountered early in a sentence will not have been forgotten and will , therefore , be available for integration with the words at the end of the sentence .
2 It opens with the words for the period ending the third of December nineteen ninety one .
3 The matter before us is whether to recommend , whether to make representations to the A C C as shown in minute three , with the words for capital investment added at the end .
4 Similarly , the Evangelical can speak of an encounter with the words of the text of Scripture as though God has spoken directly to him .
5 With the words of the promises ringing in his ears Jacob crossed the border of the Promised Land , and continued on his way towards Laban .
6 Contrast this with the words of a House of Lords Select Committee considering exactly the same problem : ‘ because of the high proportion [ of homes with polluted tapwater ] and the long-standing nature of the problem , the Committee believe that the two years for compliance with the Directive is wholly unrealistic . ’
7 Cabinet met again on 15 January with the words of one critic , who claimed it would be ‘ throwing the small shopkeeper to the supermarket wolves ’ , still ringing in their ears .
8 If , on the other hand , having read this you 're left with the feeling ‘ so what ’ then let me leave you with the words of two teenagers who frequent similar established alcohol — free projects in England
9 Mark and Matthew end their story with the words of the centurion :
10 He supports these contentions with the words of parents of children with trisomy 21 whose reactions to , and following , the birth of their children belie the simplified professional stereotypes which he sets beside them .
11 On the other hand Jesus fought off false teaching , whether the arguments of men like the Sadducees or the insidious suggestions of the arch-enemy in the desert , with the words of his Bible .
12 Jesus fought his battles with his own words and with the words of his Bible , and he sent his disciples out to preach both .
13 For it was there that Beethoven had enhanced the German grandeur of his music with the words of Schiller 's Ode to Joy and thus took the first step towards reintegrating poetry and music as equal partners in a new and sublime unity .
14 Will he contrast that with the words of the Leader of the Opposition to the effect that Labour would sign up to a single currency now , irrevocably ?
15 May I first associate myself with the words of the hon. Member for Hendon , South ( Mr. Marshall ) with whom I fully agree ?
16 Having caused the longest recession since the 1930s , does the Prime Minister agree with the words of his right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer , who said last month : ’ the policy would not have been different even if we had known the outcome . ’ ?
17 The text opens with the words of St Paul to the Ephesians ( 4:1 ) videte vocacionem vestram ; the copy in the manuscript belonging to the Yorkshire man , Robert Thornton , renders this vividly as " seese callynge " [ seese : take possession of ] .
18 Trembling , he hugged the most worn and shortened of the punches to his heart , thumbing its point , and wrestled with the words of compliance that rose all too readily .
19 Sometimes such problems are tackled by putting the students to work in twos and threes , so that good readers can help the slower ones ; in the case of fairly lengthy work-cards , where more explanation is given , it is also helpful to record the text on a cassette , which the slower reader can listen to with the words before him , increasing his familiarity with the written word at the same time as giving him the information that he needs .
20 The child must type the sentence with the words in the correct order , and is rewarded for the right answer by the picture coming to life — John jumps on his bike and cycles to school .
21 This can be rephrased with the words in the object case , eg readers of Jane Austen = people who read Jane Austen .
22 The precedent suggests a reference to persons under the Tenant 's control in order to exclude mere callers , but where the clause refers to servants of the tenant ( which some precedents do despite the archaic nature of the expression ) it may be as well to qualify this with the words in the course of employment in case it is claimed that a servant will , by the nature of the expression , always be under the tenant 's control .
23 What about the big one with the words in ?
24 Yeah , a bit , but oh the shock of a publication with no words on the cover .
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