Example sentences of "with [art] provisions [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Chris Folland , head of the British delegation to Cites , said yesterday : ‘ All of Hong Kong 's 670 tonnes were legally imported , in accordance with the provisions of Cites .
2 Private chases created by tenants-in-chief since 1154 outside their own demesnes were likewise abrogated , in accordance with the provisions of the Forest Charter .
3 In response to a petition by the ‘ prelates , earls , barons and commonalty of the realm ’ , Edward II was compelled to agree that the Forest perambulations made in his father 's reign should be enforced in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Forest , provided that :
4 Section 4 may last up to 72 hours , and may be made only when admission is of urgent necessity and complying with the provisions of section 2 would cause undesirable delay .
5 She insists that even with the provisions of such a charter the idea ‘ can only work out in reality if both partners , in fact , share [ the childcare ] , because there is not much point in allowing women the opportunity of going further up the ladder if they continue to have almost sole responsibility for childcare . ’
6 Finally , failure to comply with the provisions of the Act once it comes into force will render the builder liable to prosecution and a fine .
7 You can do this at any time and will receive a rebate against future charges in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Credit ( Rebate on Early Settlement ) Regulations 1983 .
8 Under Ordinance 1990/1 : Student Discipline , breaches of discipline by a student include ‘ infringing arrangements made by the University in order to permit it to comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act ’ .
9 The boundaries of constituencies fall to be determined in accordance with the provisions of the House of Commons ( Redistribution of Seats ) Acts 1949 and 1958 , as amended .
10 In addition , the Board of Inland Revenue must be indemnified by the people who were partners immediately before the first change , and by anyone joining the partnership on that or a later change , against any loss of tax arising on a partner 's claim that the election does not strictly comply with the provisions of s 113(2) and that the cessation basis should have been applied .
11 There is , however , a specific exemption from the general requirement to spread variations from regular cost : ‘ Where a refund that is subject to deduction of tax in accordance with the provisions of the UK Finance Act 1986 , or equivalent legislation , is made to the employer , the enterprise may depart from the requirements of paragraph 80 and account for the surplus or deficiency in the period in which the refund occurs . ’
12 20.1 In the case of any dispute or difference arising between the parties hereto relating to this Agreement or any matter arising therefrom or incidental thereto the same may be submitted to the arbitration of a single arbitrator in accordance with the provisions of the United Kingdom Arbitration Act 1979 or any statutory modification thereof for the time being in force .
13 5.3.2 a sum representing two percent ( 2% ) of the Net Invoiced Price per Licensed Product sold , to be paid in accordance with the provisions of clause 6 hereof .
14 If the sale is not carried out properly , that is in accordance with the provisions of Condition 7 , the carrier will be liable for any loss or damage arising .
15 ( Article 37 provides that a carrier who has paid compensation in compliance with the provisions of this Convention , shall be entitled to recover … from the other carriers who have taken part in the carriage …
16 on or after April 1 1980 and has a maximum gross weight in Great Britain ( determined in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 2 ) exceeding 3500 kg ; or
17 any motor vehicle standing on a part of a road specially set aside for the parking of vehicles , or as a stand for hackney carriages , or as a stand for public service vehicles , or as a place at which such vehicles may stop for a longer time than is necessary for the taking up and setting down of passengers where compliance with this regulation would conflict with the provisions of any order , regulations or byelaws governing the use of such part of a road for that purpose ;
18 A You can do this at any time and will receive a rebate against future charges in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Credit ( Rebate on Early Settlement ) Regulations 1983 .
19 The object of the Foundation will be the exhibition and maintenance of the paintings loaned in accordance with the provisions of Clause Three below .
20 Fourth — In accordance with the provisions of Article 32.1 of the Law on the Historical Patrimony of Spain ( Ley del Patrimonio Historico Español ) , the loaned paintings shall not be declared , by action of the Spanish Government , to be of cultural interest during the ten-year term of the Loan .
21 The FSA 1986 ( Chapter X ) also significantly enhances the investigative powers of the Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) and has spawned the quasi-statutory anti-insider dealing rules made by the SIB and other rule-making bodies who fall under the jurisdiction of the SIB in accordance with the provisions of the FSA .
22 It provided that in civil or commercial matters a judicial authority of a Contracting State might , in conformity with the provisions of its legislation , communicate by letter rogatory with the competent authority of another Contracting State in order to request that the latter should , within its jurisdiction , effect either an examination ( un acte d'instruction ) or other judicial acts ( actes judiciaires ) .
23 Rules relating to limited partnerships are in line with the provisions of other similar legislations .
24 ( e ) To ensure that the suspect is treated in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Code of Practice ( see below ) .
25 Although criminal liability is imposed to ensure compliance with the provisions of s. 4 of the Business Names Act 1985 , there is a further sanction , and in practical terms this may be more effective .
26 Under the provision of the Companies Act 1989 the Secretary of State has powers to seek a ruling from the courts , under a new civil procedure , on whether a company 's accounts comply with the provisions of the Companies Act 1985 .
27 Central government departments are expected , alternatively , to comply with the provisions of Government Accounting : a Guide on Accounting and Financial Procedures for the Use of Government Departments .
28 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that , although the definition of ‘ family proceedings ’ in section 8 of the Children Act 1989 did not specifically refer to the provisions in Part III of the Act , the section was to be read with section 92(2) of the Act which made it clear that all applications to the justices under the Act were family proceedings ; that , accordingly , the application to the justices for a secure accommodation order under section 25 in Part III of the Act were family proceedings ; and that , therefore , the statements of evidence and the psychiatrist 's report should have been admitted in evidence in accordance with the provisions of the Children ( Admissibility of Hearsay Evidence ) Order 1991 ( post , pp. 91E–G , H — 92A ) .
29 The scheme conforms with the provisions of the Act of 1986 .
30 A decision that a receiver appointed over the property of an unregistered company is an administrative receiver for the purposes of the Insolvency Act 1986 is consistent with the provisions of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 ( post , p. 247G–H ) .
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