Example sentences of "with [art] effects [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Courts have often explicitly or implicitly balanced the interests of the individual with the effects on the administration in deciding where the line should be drawn on many of the issues which comprise the content of natural justice .
2 These materials provide the background for this chapter as well as of Chapter IV that deals with the effects on fetal mortality .
3 Nurses in that sector have to cope with the effects on their patients of poor housing conditions and a deteriorating social fabric .
4 It is also the case that most of the studies of this type have been concerned with the effects on the UK of membership .
5 For those not familiar with the effects of earth energy lines , Mr Heye sent further documentation with his letter that listed some of the tell tale signs that may show someone is suffering from bad earth vibes .
6 Overfishing , combined with the effects of the cyclical change in currents known as El Nino ( which can cause widespread collapses in the marine food-web ) , resulted in the collapse of the anchoveta stocks in 1972 , when catches fell to less than one-twentieth of that in the 1970 season .
7 Mozambique also wrestles with the effects of civil war .
8 The horse 's temperament , along with the effects of its environment , learning , and handling by people , will determine the horse 's mature personality for better or for worse .
9 WHILE the rest of the country is still trying to grapple with the effects of the recession , Las Vegas , the desert oasis created by gambling , continues to boom and prosper in much the same way as it has always done .
10 This mapping is by definition descriptive in character and as such unconcerned with the effects of the different organizational types it reveals .
11 Increased possibilities of travel together with the effects of immigration have also made possible a wider knowledge of the world 's religious traditions .
12 Lubow , Rifkin , and Alek ( 1976 ) have explicitly investigated the role of the context in a series of experiments concerned with the effects of pre-exposure on discrimination learning in both children and in rats .
13 It will be evident that the Pearce-Hall theory finds it difficult to deal with the effects of contextual factors .
14 Although both James and Miller concern themselves with the effects of attaching verbal responses to the cues to be discriminated , there is no reason to restrict the analysis they offer to such responses .
15 The studies discussed so far have dealt with the effects of insulin deficiency in the experimental diabetic rat on prostacyclin production and the effects of insulin treatment .
16 Discussing the ever mounting toll , they maintain that ‘ combined with the effects of all the sun , wind , spray , vibration and happy fatigue which go with boating , even moderate amounts of alcohol can be dangerous ’ .
17 These processes will be described in detail in the following sections so that comparisons can be made with the effects of predation described in Chapters 2 and 3 .
18 The effects of this on the bones is of some interest for comparison with the effects of gnawing of larger bone by larger predators ( for example , see Bonnichsen , 1973 ; Sutcliffe , 1970 ; Hill , 1975 , 1976 ; Binford , 1981 ; Haynes , 1980 , 1983 ) , for there is direct correspondence between , for instance hyaena gnawing on large antelope bones , wolf gnawing on smaller bovid bones , fox gnawing on small bovids and lagomorphs and shrew gnawing on rodent bones .
19 Triassic and Jurassic burial combined with the effects of mid Jurassic heating brought large areas of the basin flank within the gas generation zone .
20 Whilst the planned regeneration of this part of the city , including the Meadowhall retail development , has brought hope of an economic recovery , the area is still coping with the effects of unemployment and reduced school budgets .
21 Evaluation is concerned with the effects of a given educational course , programme or system .
22 This volcanic cloud could have warmed the upper atmosphere in the tropical latitudes and blotted out the differences in temperature between surface and upper air that when combined with the effects of the earth 's rotation , cause the trade winds .
23 The discriminatory policies of Poland , which had been prompted by Germany 's boycott of Polish coal in 1925 , had by this time developed into a fully-fledged trade war , and this , combined with the effects of the new port at Gdynia , the increasing Jewish population , the irritating presence of Danzig Poles and the continual clucking of the League of Nations , all helped to shift the political perceptions of the local population towards simplistic , populist , nationalist and ultimately racist solutions — namely those offered by the Nazi Party .
24 Section 5.2 is concerned with the effects of inflation .
25 The failures in the Lowe bearing support all exhibited evidence of overload and were fully consistent with the effects of excessive tension in the chain resulting from the chain having ridden on the peaks of the large sprocket teeth .
26 At meetings of the European Parliament 's Human Rights Committee ( at which even the French Communists stayed silent ) , Newens compared Ceauşescu 's plan to demolish half the villages in Romania and to relocate millions of people into standardized concrete blocks with the effects of redevelopment around Kings Cross on his own constituents .
27 Prior to the introduction of the T.4 there had been a number of fatal accidents with aircraft crashing short of the runway on approach and this was attributed to lack of familiarity with the effects of acceleration .
28 In this case , however , the results could be interpreted in keeping with an ‘ English gloss ’ mediation and with the effects of additional length of lists .
29 Consequently , we are always dealing with the effects of brain injury , and those effects probably extend beyond the mere loss of a single component .
30 These explanations — ones which recognize and respect the meanings that teachers take from and give to their work — are concerned , in turn , with the effects of subject-based pedagogies , subject commitment and subject fragmentation .
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