Example sentences of "with [art] details [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Selected branches of travel agents Thomas Cook and AT May are using the computerised system , with the details of about 100 selected hotels .
2 With the details of ohms , amps , radiation dosages , and the speed of a new high-velocity missile fresh in their minds , the military technologists have exhausted their discussions and now find themselves on parade .
3 Doctor Turner takes me aside to acquaint me in funereal tones with the details of a colleague 's latest symptoms .
4 Parents will not concern their very young children with the details of the doctrine , as that is quite unnecessary for the establishment of the early conscience , but they should at least give them some introduction to it as soon as the need becomes obvious from their inevitable questions .
5 However , it is always wise to remind yourself of the job description details before an interview and also to be thoroughly conversant with the details of your own application form and c.v .
6 I wo n't bore you with the details of what happened next but the exercise was over and so was ‘ Daz 's ’ participation in the lesson .
7 So obsessed was he with the details of administration that he saw nothing inappropriate , while Governor-General of Nigeria , in personally composing a memorandum on the issue of chamber pots to second-class administrative officers : he was , he said , against it .
8 This section is concerned with the method of establishing baselines rather than with the details of measurement .
9 With the details of their organization worked out by Beveridge , labour exchanges were introduced in June 1909 , after an easy passage through the Commons .
10 More important , it was necessary that somebody should he acquainted with the details of imperial finance , and the Athenian constitution , like that of Rome in the republic , had no provision for a civil service , and like the Roman Senate , the Athenians governed and legislated as amateurs .
11 Later in its life , the same theory was known to be inconsistent with the details of the orbit of the planet Mercury , although scientists did not abandon the theory for that reason .
12 ‘ With these reports the society will instruct , on your behalf , a suitably qualified surveyor who will write to you direct with the details of the terms and conditions of engagement .
13 The Victorians satisfied that universal appetite for soap operas , not with the theatre , but with the three-volume novel stuffed with the details of everyday life .
14 That said , he barely engaged with the details of the argument , dismissing the very notion of the lists as if this were beneath consideration .
15 We need not concern ourselves with the details of Kant 's theory of Transcendental Ideas .
16 However , when you are choosing a lender for a standard variable mortgage , make sure you use the following charts , in conjunction with the details of special deals regularly featured at the back of the magazine .
17 I want the Minister to deal with the details of the Southampton case and of the Scottish company involved in that case .
18 The questions already raised about the possibility of conflicts of interest between health and social services ( for example , will people on care programmes have access to local authority resources for residential care ? ) illustrate the even greater complexity of distinguishing between health and social care in mental health and the desirability of finding a global way of dealing with the details of packaging multidisciplinary care .
19 What it does do is to combine the particular letters and clauses which are relevant on a specific occasion with the details of the applicant in such a way as to produce the final document .
20 Pickerage , wide-eyed and somewhat scornful , was clearly incredulous that anybody should not be familiar with the details of his own small world .
21 I wo n't bore you with the details of our journey across southern England .
22 The library is fortunate to have acquired a text book concerned with the details of a ) perfusing the tissues with agents to minimize freezing injury and b ) transporting to minimize the interruption of circulation and respiration after cardiac and respiratory arrest .
23 And indeed , within the week was on the phone with the details of 's bank balance .
24 The interpretation of this statement here is that the contractual arrangements that define the firm are left open-minded , with the details of resource direction to be decided later by a member ( or members ) of the firm in whom authority is voluntarily vested .
25 I shall not bore the House with the details of another case , but I shall summarise it .
26 The client first contacts the publication ( e.g. Financial Times ) with the details of the proposed advertisement including the wording .
27 However , we will write to you with the details of the potential conflicts of interest and how they will be avoided before we commence work in accordance with the terms of this letter . .
28 However , we will write to you with the details of the potential conflicts of interest and how they will be avoided before we commence work in accordance with the terms of this letter .
29 However , we will write to you with the details of the potential conflicts of interest and how they will be avoided before we commence work in accordance with the terms of this letter .
30 However , we will write to you with the details of the potential conflicts of interest and how they will be avoided before we commence work in accordance with the terms of this letter .
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