Example sentences of "you sit in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There are times , ’ Powell admitted wearily , ‘ when you sit in the ambulance and think to yourself ‘ is this all worth it ? ’ ‘
2 I 'd better get out of these togs — I also suggest you sit in the rear of the car before we arrive at Tavey Grange . ’
3 as you sit in the grass ,
4 Of course , you 'll be hooked from the moment you sit in the driving seat , but then there 's a problem .
5 You sit in the front row , ’ the guard informed Manescu as other members who had travelled in the cavalcade began to filter into the large room .
6 At first puzzled , then anxious , then furious with disbelief , you sit in the driveway with the engine running ; you sit there for weeks , months , for years , waiting for the doors to open .
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