Example sentences of "you like [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Adaptability mainly : you can pin , nail , screw and clip almost anything you like to the inside and outside of a wooden-framed greenhouse .
2 Just lock up and do what you like to the cat .
3 And if you notice what we 're trying to do is with our er illustration here er is to reflect the the gentility if you like of the Yorkshire hills and Yorkshire dales and we have a logo of our own which appears in the corner of the screen .
4 And I think the the local touch if you like of the principal beat officer , er shows itself on occasions like that .
5 And then there would be a few more trees around the , the back area if you like of the erm er marketplace .
6 What of course you 're saying here , it comes out here in 's letter , er , the structure , because er you said earlier that you realize now that we 're looking , we 're filling in the , in the gaps if you like of the local organizations .
7 Erm but er I suppose more recently um this business of understanding sex in relation to power , in relation to the powers of the participants , has has has effectively er knocked Kinsey 's notions off the agenda in the last sort of y'know fifteen years , ten years , five years , so that people are much more erm inclined to say well physical size , disparities , erm disparities in the credibility if you like of the of the perpetrator and survivor erm and all those kinds of things make er make a big difference so it 's not it 's not gon na be mutualistic .
8 They 've not in the past shown themselves to be very honest erm nor very keen on going into their own archives , and I think it 's , actually takes people like me , who live on the border-lines if you like of the two cultures , to go in and discover erm sometimes embarrassing documents , embarrassing information , to confront them with it , in their own language , so that they have to take stock .
9 Eat as much as you like at the smorgasbord , dinner for £10.75 , lunch £9.25 ; children under 14 £5.50/£4.75 , under four free ; full breakfast £5.75/£3/free .
10 Erm what we 're gon na do for the second part of the morning is to look , if you like at the tourism application for the determinants of demand .
11 But we do n't find , if you like at the top end of the corporate finance market , that they are yet as significant a competitor as are er rivals among the leading firms .
12 It 's a , we tend to , it 's a bit , erm , if you like at the moment what each little department within the agency , what every department do .
13 Use the pass on the day of your choice as often as you like between the places of interest , and your will find that it is the most enjoyable way of seeing arguably Europe 's most exciting city !
14 In fact if we were n't doing it as a unison group we 'd probably do it ourselves anyway because of the fact that we 've got nine separate branches and we 'd want to have a bit of erm common , common strategy if you like between the branches anyway .
15 And I 'd I 'd like to turn to the point that erm Professor Lock raised in in terms of the potential clash of interest if if you like between the restraint of of the policy and the er the development proposals as regards Sel Selby district .
16 Say what you like about the Ryder Cup and The Belfry , if it was n't for the 9th , 10th and 18th holes , it would be as average as it looks .
17 Say what you like about the first-past-the-post system , but it does let you know who has actually won each seat .
18 So there are a host of clues there if you like about the sort of things that people will actually do and these are all underlaid by an attitude .
19 So I just want a plain box and a plain stone , and a plain speech from the priest , and you can do what you like with the business .
20 ‘ You can sign whatever papers you like with the agency .
21 I think the army thought they were going in to a situation where they could they could help , they saw themselves if you like as the referees er as a neutral party in between two sides .
22 Put any combination of any soft fruits you like into the rumtopf and cover each layer with rum or brandy , so that the fruit is thoroughly soaked , and then forget about it until the winter .
23 Once you have mastered bobble making you will be able to place them anywhere you like on the work and they look splendid between cable panels .
24 Issue ( i ) turns on the difficult distinction between consideration and the performance of a condition precedent to a gratuitous promise , or if you like on the equally difficult question of intent to contract .
25 And can I also add that that follows on with the pictures if you like on the bottl on the label in the bottle .
26 Although I have used the term ‘ garments ’ here , you are of course free to design anything you like in the ORIGINAL shaping section if you have the knowledge to be able to do so .
27 And at the end of the day then , you have to weigh up whether or not you decide that even though , if you like in the strictest financial terms , it is not profitable to open the cinema and to employ staff doing that although presumably they 'd have to be employed doing something else unless you changed their rota patterns nonetheless because of your the demands of funding bodies , your own cultural aims and equal opportunities policies , you 've decided that you will do so even though it 's going to be marginally a loss in financial terms .
28 Now as regards the actual well perhaps I should add to that , that there are two principles if you like in the theological field which govern the practice of the church .
29 Write a short description of a character you like in the story .
30 This is a separate argument from whether you actually made the statement or not , or whether it was bullied out of you like in the case .
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