Example sentences of "you choose [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is up to you whether you choose to leave the wood in its natural state , or stain and varnish it — either way you will not affect the performance of the press , simply make it look more attractive .
2 No , here a modicum of route-finding skill may be required , particularly if you choose to sample the routes described briefly below , for several must be located from the top .
3 assuming that you choose to purchase a microcomputer , there is the choice of hardware In practice it is often the selection of software which determines this choice , but there are certain hardware features which are likely to be important .
4 If you choose to use a First National Bank loan to restructure your finances you could well find your monthly payments are less than half what you pay now .
5 If you choose to use a hair-dryer , allow the dog to become used to the noise at close quarters .
6 You can either pay this in sterling or in US dollars , if you choose to do the latter , please take the rate of exchange as that existing on the date you raise the payment .
7 Sloppy presentation returns on ‘ Great Choral Works ’ ( ) , a disc which takes us back to Canada in the company of the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir and — depending on whether you choose to believe the inner front cover of the disc or its back cover — either the Roy Thomson Hall Orchestra under Elmer Iseler ( with the Toronto SO under Andrew Davis contributing just one of the thirteen tracks ) or else the TSO/Davis throughout the whole disc .
8 Whichever way you choose to interpret the number , the final 30ft up the groove marks a considerable easing in standard before regaining flat ground and the commanding position of the belay , set on the crest of the headland facing the incoming waves .
9 Then evaluate realistically the outcome if you choose to follow the message , and the outcome if you choose not to follow the message , under a ‘ can choose ’ column .
10 Whatever the weather British valleys provide a stunning variety of walking — whether you choose to follow the course of a fast flowing stream or a broad meandering river .
11 Your insults to myself I can stomach ; those you choose to demean an innocent young girl with are quite another thing .
12 It may be that you choose to obtain a mortgage , second mortgage or a loan from a bank .
13 ( Do you concentrate on a large or small area of the brain ; if the latter , which one , if the site of the clock has not been established beyond all doubt ? ) ( a ) Do you follow one person only throughout your observation time(s) or choose , instead , a single place to see which of the family , if any , are there ? ( b ) If you choose to observe a single place , then do you study a place that is large or small , say , the front garden , a single- room , or the exit at the end of the drive ? ( c ) If it is a single room , which one ?
14 We want to ensure your peace of mind when you choose to book a COSMOS holiday , and for you to enjoy your holiday to the full and return believing you have received good value for money .
15 We want to ensure two things happen when you choose to book a Cosmos holiday .
16 Every analysis is also to some extent an interpretation ; so if for example you choose to summarise a narrative , you will , by selection and emphasis , be interpreting what the most important incidents and characters are .
17 For example , if you choose to write an essay on the novel A Very Quiet Street by the contemporary Glasgow author Frank Kuppner , you may not find it easy to get any critical work either on the book itself or on this writer ( since no books may have been written about him ) .
18 If you choose to bury the pipe , please ensure that both ends are above the surface of the gravel , or the eel will wreak havoc with your decor .
19 If you have n't already chosen to pay an excess , worthwhile premium savings can be made if you choose to pay the first £100 of claims made under the Buildings or Contents sections of the Policy .
20 Discounted premiums are available if you choose to pay the first £100 of all other claims under the Buildings and/or Contents Section of your Policy .
21 AND 7 ½%; DISCOUNT If you choose to pay the first £50 of each claim .
22 7 ½%; Discount off Buildings , Contents and Personal Possessions premiums if you choose to pay the first £50 of each claim .
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