Example sentences of "you have been sit " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd say you 'd been sitting out in the sun too long . ’
2 ‘ While you 've been sitting on your intellectual arses alternately pitying yourselves and the so-called workers , it 's my hard work , my money that 's been keeping this country — ’ Stalking off indoors ; the door shuts .
3 Right , I think we 've been going on long enough and I think you 've been sitting there long enough , ha
4 Griddles and flaming wheels seem a pretty soft option when you 've been sitting in pitch darkness with your pants full of scorpions .
5 You 've been sitting in a side road waiting to come out , and you see a vehicle coming along and it 's got its left-hand indicator on and you think Oh lovely !
6 You 've been sitting behind a desk for too long .
7 Every time I 've passed the studio you 've been sitting with your head bent , scribbling away .
8 You 've been sitting in that damned cottage for nigh on a year and you 've become a coward .
9 You 've been sitting there the whole morning in nothing but that flimsy shift , just staring through the window at all that water .
10 You 've been sitting there for an hour watching the fire almost go out .
11 Emma , you 've been sitting there very quietly and judiciously .
12 Obviously you know when you 've been sitting still this is probably the worse hour of the day .
13 I think , I think the other thing is as well though is that when you , I mean you 've been sitting pensions cos I mean I had the P H I which I thought it was easier to actually describe erm but erm it 's easy for us to actually sit back and , and go back on everything that everyth er everybody else did wrong is n't it , so
14 You 've been sitting listening to things for a while , how are things Nick ?
15 Why not get used to doing this stretch throughout the day — especially if you have been sitting in the same position for any length of time ?
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