Example sentences of "be [adv] effective as " in BNC.

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1 Both truncated proteins lack the C-terminal nuclear import sequence and may therefore be less effective as homodimeric competitors , whereas the respective heterodimers with Myc are efficiently transported into the nucleus .
2 However , once the crisis passes they are likely to be less effective as most people want power to be shared , not a unilateral right .
3 Although supervision was the most common form of disposal in truancy cases under section 1(2) ( e ) ( and may become even more standard practice under the Children Act 1989 ) , the practice adopted in Leeds magistrates ' court of adjourning such proceedings as a threat to the parents to improve the child 's attendance or else the child might be made the subject of an order , was claimed to be more effective as well as reducing overall levels of local juvenile delinquency .
4 It was a habit which remained a stand-by of abolitionists in the campaigns for emancipation and against apprenticeship ; Wilberforce was convinced however that , contrary to the practice of 1790 , pressure near the end of a parliament was likely to be more effective as MPs ' minds were concentrated by the approach of an election .
5 In his statement , broadcast live to the colony , the Foreign Secretary struggled to balance his ‘ desire to be as effective as possible in restoring confidence ’ with what he politely called ‘ our ability to accept the individuals concerned for settlement in this country — should that ever be necessary ’ .
6 Not a modest one like St Asaph , where the gong and tam-tam crescendos of the third movement would be damagingly deafening , but in some vast Gothic building where the acoustic reverberations would be as effective as the spiritual associations in enhancing the effect of the piece .
7 This option might have to be taken up in the future when the V-bombers reached the end of their operational lives , unless the TSR 2 turned out to be as effective as the RAF hoped , and was able to extend the life of the airborne nuclear deterrent indefinitely .
8 Mental repetition has been shown by research on basketball players to be as effective as going through the actions .
9 In a study comparing outpatient with domiciliary treatment , non-medical therapists ( one nurse and one social worker ) were found to be as effective as psychiatrists ( Hawton et al. 1981a ) .
10 There is evidence that brief counselling by the general practitioner can be as effective as minor tranquillizers for patients with mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety and depression associated with social difficulties , without the risks involved in the use of minor tranquillizers .
11 For example , brief counselling by general practitioners has been shown to be as effective as benzodioazepine tranquillizers for patients with minor affective disorders of recent onset ( Catalan et al. 1984b ) .
12 The timing of your own contribution can be planned to be as effective as possible .
13 But changes in legislation — like changes in local government provision — will only be as effective as society permits them to be .
14 Vaccines which consist of a small part of the virus , such as the envelope or core proteins , are being tested in animals and humans but may not be as effective as the whole virus .
15 In that setting it is very difficult for our " propaganda " to be as effective as it might otherwise be .
16 ‘ ( 1 ) The consent of a minor who has attained the age of 16 years to any surgical , medical or dental treatment which , in the absence of consent , would constitute a trespass to his person , shall be as effective as it would be if he were of full age ; and where a minor has by virtue of this section given an effective consent to any treatment it shall not be necessary to obtain any consent for it from his parent or guardian .
17 ‘ ( 1 ) The consent of a minor who has attained the age of 16 years to any … medical … treatment which , in the absence of consent , would constitute a trespass to his person , shall be as effective as it would be if he were of full age ; and where a minor has by virtue of this section given an effective consent to any treatment it shall not be necessary to obtain any consent for it from his parent or guardian .
18 Patents protecting new products appeared to be more important than patents protecting processes , but , nevertheless , did not seem to be as effective as lead time , learning curve advantages , and marketing advantages .
19 If the team becomes too large then in practice it could well break down into sub-teams and not be as effective as intended .
20 Thus diversion of faecal stream by split ileostomy may induce remission of resistant Crohn 's colitis , and enteral or parenteral nutrition seem to be as effective as corticosteroids in inducing remission whereas both forms of treatment are singularly ineffective in the management of ulcerative colitis .
21 Subsequently , they have been reported to be as effective as corticosteroids in treating patients with active Crohn 's disease , and one controlled , but non-randomised trial suggested that elemental diet was actually superior to corticosteroid treatment .
22 In addition , measurements of prolonged squeezing were not recorded in the two studies where biofeedback was reported to be as effective as conventional medical treatment .
23 If his appointor is for the time being absent from the United Kingdom or temporarily unable to act through ill-health or disability his signature to any resolution in writing of the Directors shall be as effective as the signature of his appointor .
24 If his appointor is for the time being absent from the United Kingdom or temporarily unable to act through ill-health or disability his signature to any resolution in writing of the Directors shall be as effective as the signature of his appointor .
25 It 's said to be as effective as the pill and experts say it 'll widen the choice for women .
26 When The Scotsman 's music critic reviewed this production in Paris last month she was overwhelmed by its beauty but others have taken the view that two pianos no matter how superbly played can never be as effective as a great orchestra .
27 When The Scotsman 's music critic reviewed this production in Paris she was overwhelmed by its beauty , but others have taken the view that two pianos , no matter how superbly played , can never be as effective as a great orchestra .
28 If we 're going to go in and make a positive impact in certain parts of the region , erm then both my staff and myself and our colleagues who are working in the arts in the region have got to pull even harder together to make sure that we can make the partnership between us bureaucrats and the artist really be as effective as possible for the broadest range of the community .
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