Example sentences of "with only a little " in BNC.

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1 I am sure that with only a little effort of the imagination you can understand how these things can grow , can become set .
2 It was a normal delivery , with only a little entonox at the end — something I felt really happy about as our daughter had been breech and delivered by caesarean section after a horrid , induced labour .
3 With only a little imagination we can see the gene as sitting at the centre of a radiating web of extended phenotypic power .
4 For instance , on a fast slalom type board , with only a little tail lift , the foot will have to be placed further back than on a wave board where the rocker line resembles a banana .
5 Taking the roll of tools out of my stout and well travelled haversack , I unscrewed the plate with only a little difficulty and put it into the haversack .
6 If the quotation used by the qualitative sociologist is not too far from the heightened dialogue of the literary artist , it follows that , with only a little licence , one may use the work of at least some novelists much as one might use that of fellow ethnographers .
7 It was a phrase spontaneously recalled by someone with only a little English .
8 She set off with only a little food and she had n't gone far when a small boy appeared right in the middle of the road .
9 It is certainly not if we keep to rigid serial usages , but with only a little modification we may produce harmonic results which suit well enough .
10 The rain in the west will continue into the evening but most other parts should stay dry , with only a little cloud and mist in the east towards morning .
11 But now , with only a little while to go before she must join him in the sitting-room , she was starting to have second thoughts about the wisdom of accepting .
12 I can now go past a tractor with only a little twinge .
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