Example sentences of "with the [adj] authority " in BNC.

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1 But this was limited to the eastern half of the county since the Lord Lieutenant , the Duke of Richmond , felt that it would interfere with the traditional authority of the magnates , and local opinion in the west deferred to this view until 1856 .
2 In the same way that African opinion elsewhere found its voice in the press , so also did white settler opinion ‘ which was frequently in conflict with the colonial authority .
3 A solicitor may only give advice and assistance to a child in relation to civil proceedings with the prior authority of the Legal Aid Area Director ( reg 14(1) ) .
4 A professional cavalier , who enjoyed excelling at the game of soldiering , who gave his orders with the perfect authority of a corps whose drills have been tempered by a score of successful wars , a hundred victories , a million unsung deaths .
5 At every level the lines of communication were with the central authority , not with the official who was doing the same job in the adjacent district .
6 An agreement with the Central Authority that the National Grid and local distribution systems would be planned to minimise joint costs ( without regard to the incidence of expenditure on the Authority or the Boards ) largely overcame the earlier inefficiencies of divided ownership .
7 This would be mainframe-driven with suitable terminals in all branches , and the person responsible for any information item would ensure that it was copied to the master file for other parties with the necessary authority to access .
8 Strumming 's mostly out , because of the resulting sound , and there 's just not enough room to play fingerstyle with the necessary authority .
9 The words must be uttered by someone with the necessary authority , in a country in which there is a death penalty , to a person who has been convicted of a particular crime ; they must be spoken , not written , at the right time ( at the end of a trial ) and in the right place ( in court ) .
10 A decision unit could be a project or a cost centre , though Herzlinger ( 1979 , p. 3 ) narrows this definition to ‘ an organizational entity that has an identifiable manager with the necessary authority to establish priorities and prepare budgets for all activities within the unit ’ .
11 Targets for performance by each profit centre can be established , actual results monitored against targets and control action taken by appropriate subordinates with the necessary authority ; the subordinates would then be held accountable and responsible for their results , and areas of efficiency or inefficiency within the organisation would be more easily identified and remedied .
12 Some saw a tragic irony in this , since they suspected that de Gaulle was the only person " with the necessary authority to head a Europe that desperately wanted his leadership "
13 This was in line with the general authority policy , not of compelling change or forcing patterns , programmes and methods upon schools , but on the contrary providing the means whereby the kinds of action it wanted could be supported and rewarded and developed : the carrot and not the stick .
14 It can be proved that he was the holder by examining the trade licence itself for the defendant 's name , by an admission from the defendant and by checking with the issuing authority .
15 It provided that in civil or commercial matters a judicial authority of a Contracting State might , in conformity with the provisions of its legislation , communicate by letter rogatory with the competent authority of another Contracting State in order to request that the latter should , within its jurisdiction , effect either an examination ( un acte d'instruction ) or other judicial acts ( actes judiciaires ) .
16 The resulting Act provides the government with the final authority to spend up to the amounts requested in the supply estimates .
17 In the latter case , of course , the sole criterion for being in the right is that of being opposed to the protagonist most closely identified with the parental authority — a very easy requirement to fulfil as the following true , but rather ludicrous , example shows .
18 The Society is keeping in close touch with the appropriate authority and full information will be published as soon as possible .
19 Gilmore said , ‘ The army has worked with the civil authority to bring about a reduction in violence and will continue to do so as long as it is necessary . ’
20 When the honest shopper acts as I have just described , he or she is acting with the implied authority of the owner of the supermarket to take the goods from the shelf , put them in the trolley , take them to the checkpoint and there pay the correct price , at which moment the property in the goods will pass to the shopper for the first time .
21 Arthur Pridmore , when he did condescend to talk at breakfast , talked with the magisterial authority of head of his family , Mr. Bowlem 's bailiff and People 's warden at the village church .
22 For my part I would not have been prepared to make an order in the terms proposed unless I knew that the letter was written by or with the direct authority of either the Director of Public Prosecutions or the Director of the Serious Fraud Office .
23 ‘ Throughout , they have not only protested their innocence , but have co-operated with the investigating authority , confident that their names would be cleared .
24 Ceauşescu 's arrogance in presuming not only to treat the Soviet General-Secretary as a person on a par with himself , but also one without the necessary experience to speak with the full authority of a veteran revolutionary like himself undoubtedly aroused a mixture of irritation and amused contempt in Gorbachev .
25 I can tell the hon. Gentleman with the full authority of my office and my responsibility for the programme that if one cuts £6 billion from the defence budget no defence job in the country will be safe .
26 The coalition against Saddam was able to operate under the aegis of the UN with the full authority of Security Council resolutions behind it .
27 Spittals ' voice rose above the chaos with the natural authority of one who was used to being obeyed .
28 Some Age Concern groups are setting up schemes for home care , in cooperation with the local authority .
29 A voluntary group which is a company may be regarded as ‘ influenced ’ by the local authority where both 20% or more of its voting members or board of directors are associated with the local authority and 50% or more of its business .
30 Suitable products and the exact extent of their application should be agreed with the local authority 's building control officer before the rebuilding work is commenced .
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