Example sentences of "with a [adj] eye " in BNC.

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1 Smooth 'd up his Face and with a leering Eye
2 Petion stayed nervously by the door , and Ace joined him there , watching suspiciously as Dubois checked everything with a professional eye .
3 My parents were from a long line of good people with a strong sense of duty , living at peace with their neighbours , quick to be helpful when it was in their power , understandably a little feudal in their outlook , with a cautious eye on the squire for whom they worked , liking a glass of beer or homemade parsnip wine , and not above a bit of rabbit poaching .
4 And then there are the tougher types : Edmund from King Lear , a romantic macho figure with a wide eye for fame and fortune .
5 Re-read your draft with a sharply-critical eye — as if you were a constructive critic of another student 's work .
6 Sparse eyebrows can be filled in with a sharpened eye pencil , but soften with a brush afterwards so there is no hard line .
7 Hull 's powerful prop looks likely to be cited to the Rugby League for a tackle on Wires second-row forward Bob Jackson , which saw the Aussie skipper carried off with a nasty eye injury .
8 Ella looked upon them with a kindly eye .
9 Yet I am so much under the spell of your witchery I might have viewed parson 's mousetrap with a kindly eye were you the bait — and not the false promises with which I am to be lured .
10 Now Walter Chrysler was an important collector with a marvellous eye who bought some wonderful things .
11 Fixing me with a beady eye as soon as I had sat down , she leaned over to damn me with faint praise .
12 With a beady eye he watches the drama of the market place .
13 In its first rôle , it has tended to concentrate on low-technology businesses which are managed with a close eye on reducing costs and generating cash .
14 He regarded his in-tray with a weary eye , then , sighing , picked up his pen again .
15 That said , Home Run was a strong competitor in the market , with a quirky eye .
16 ‘ … natural clowns with a keen eye for the incongruous and the absurd … a wealth of shrewd and satirical observation … = tumbling , magic , mime and illusion …
17 My friend , who 's a very economical shopper with a keen eye for a bargain , was doing a bit of shopping at her local market .
18 Lister was a man of large , spare frame , standing six feet tall , with a keen eye and forceful presence .
19 Some grew up on river crossings , at water-holes on the westward trails , and a remarkable number — Matson included — on the railroads or , thanks to founding fathers with a keen eye for land values , where they deduced the railroads must come .
20 When healthy we are able to look with a cool eye at what medicine offers ; when we 're ill , we become like frightened children looking at mother and father to make us better .
21 This has little to do with a conditioned eye , influenced by architectural orders , and more to do with a basic and instinctive feeling that lifts the spirit and brings about a sense of harmony between the scale of the house and the human frame .
22 A man with a great eye for detail , he took lead role of the committee stage of the bill leaving Michael Heseltine , the environment secretary , who prefers the broad brush approach , mercifully free of the tedious bits .
23 Hugh and Prior Robert had arrived at the priory late in the evening , paid their respects to the prior , attended Vespers to do reverence to the saints of the foundation , Saints Oswald and Wulstan , and taken Herluin and his attendants into their confidence about the loss , or at the very least the misplacement , of Saint Winifred 's reliquary ; with a sharp eye , at least on Hugh 's part , for the way the news was received .
24 The old eunuch fixed me with a sharp eye .
25 Before going to sleep always remove all traces of mascara with a good eye make-up remover lotion .
26 Between them , she and Marie-Christine loaded the dish-washer , while Monique , with a tolerant eye on the engrossed pair at the table , made more coffee , before settling down with her petit-point .
27 That is why commercial organisations are avoided if at all possible since it is quite unrealistic to expect a manufacturer to comment critically on his own product or not to view a rival 's product with a jaundiced eye .
28 Many of the latter looked on politics and politicians with a jaundiced eye and held in their hands the means of destroying ill-prepared , amateurish candidates .
29 A night to bring any man to contemplate the dogged scourge of Lady Fortune 's whip with a jaundiced eye .
30 Half hidden by brambles and long grass , the little Gothic lodge house , almost a fairy dwelling , looked at us sadly with a black eye or poked-out ecclesiastical window .
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