Example sentences of "i picked [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 And it has to be said , he wrote , that its opposite , a feeling of elation , equally physical , equally extra-physical , has also been a constant feature of my life , manifesting itself regularly though impossible to predict , a reeling in the chest this time , the chest and perhaps the throat , a feeling of the heart leaping and the blood pumping , it came when I first took up a brush and made a mark on paper , it came when I picked up the first readymade and felt it transformed by that very action , it came when Madge rang to say she could not go on , when Annie wrote to say she was not coming back , when the idea of the glass first popped into my head .
2 I picked up the Evening News from one of the street sellers and looked through its entertainment pages .
3 At last , I picked up the directory and began to look for the telephone number of a solicitor .
4 I picked up the nearest coil and began to gather it up , but whereas in the summer heat the pipe had been soft and flexible , it now had the consistency of a steel cable and was like trying to lift a bedframe designed by Salvador Dali .
5 I picked up the jar which was slippery on the outside from dripped paint and , screwing its lid on , dropped it with the brush into a plastic bag before stowing it again in my pouch .
6 ‘ But this is what really gets at me : when we started our run in , and I picked up the diaper , I found it was already stained .
7 I picked up the box and shook it as the crumbs fell out on the pavement .
8 At half-past twelve on the next day , 24 December , I picked up the shafts of the wheelbarrow and pushed off towards Kano on those first , torturous , thirteen miles .
9 I picked up the shot , got my balance and hurled the shot .
10 To join the band , I first picked up the sweater piece with right side facing and then using a three pronged latch tool I picked up the band .
11 More to put her at her ease again than for any other reason I picked up The Times and showed it to her .
12 I picked up the carrier bag where the postmistress had packed my groceries .
13 I picked up the phone and gave him an ear-bashing . ’
14 Sorry , the only one I eh , I eh got this idea was when I first took this up I went into the hut in the town , and I picked up the booklets , you know that they have on the counter , and in one of these booklets it had that the vet 's were now I do n't know what I 'm , I 'm very lost for everything like this , but they 've kept and therefore if your animal needed , your pet needed treatment it would be done by the private vet 's and eh , mon the money would be re would be reclaimed by the vet from the R S P C A , and I think that gave to erm .
15 Erm so two pounds of that went with sale with the sale of the journal and so we can say we had twelve pounds unsolicited donations , erm as Peggy would back me up if she was here , saying that any time you ask someone to sign the flood gates open with what they thought about the position of pensioners , in fact we 've probably got a lot more signatures if they had n't , but erm , we did pick up , we , I picked up the news about Welwyn Garden City 's cost of and things like that not going through and erm , erm , now , our month our monthly , our monthly stall will not be on the third third Thursday this year , it will be on the fourth to co-inside with the week were celebrating pensioner 's week , which is a week behind National .
16 For answer , I picked up the newspaper from where I 'd thrown it on the desk .
17 I picked up the file and stood with it in my hands for a few minutes before deciding whether to examine its contents .
18 I picked up the phone and gave the switchboard the Fulham number .
19 When I got home I picked up the threads of my ordinary life again very quickly — you might say I snatched them up , and plunged into a round of work and social life deliberately intended to give me as few idle moments as possible .
20 Then I picked up the Nescafe tin and prised the lid off .
21 I picked up the crumpled cheque and spread it out , looking at it with the sort of hopeless hunger with which one admires things in the window of Fortnum & Mason .
22 I picked up the pieces myself .
23 It then occurred to me that I might be able to help , and I picked up the telephone and spoke to Winston .
24 I picked up the table and held it in front of me , by the legs .
25 On impulse I picked up the phone and rang her , hoping I still had the right number .
26 After stuffing these back in the bunk-hole , I picked up the Thesaurus which was still lying open beside the bunk and re-sucked it underneath a big leather Bible .
27 I picked up the bottle beside me and took another long swig .
28 I picked up the empty bread wrapper .
29 I picked up the lamp and went into the bathroom .
30 Then I picked up the lights of Burnham to starboard , and knew roughly where I was .
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