Example sentences of "i wish [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't know Tonya very well , but I wish her the best . ’
2 I agree with everything that my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister said today , and I wish him every success at Maastricht .
3 I wish him a a successful year , a happy year and a busy year and I 'm sure that he will be a credit to all of us on the Council .
4 At only 18 , Dundas will be seeing things through young and excited eyes and I wish him the best .
5 I wish him the best because it is n't his fault the dickheads wanted to sell him , and he gave us 200 games of total commitment .
6 I wish them a night as perfect as ours , mon amour .
7 I welcome the Bill , I wish it a speedy passage and I hope that some of my suggestions will result in one or two minor changes in it .
8 I was interested to hear the Hon. Gentleman raise the subject of the scanner proposal , and I wish it the best of success .
9 The reply , from Stamfordham , said that the letter had been forwarded to the Sovereign , ‘ but added on his own account ‘ I wish you every success in your efforts . '
10 ‘ Elizabeth , I wish you every happiness that my uncle here can bring you .
11 In any event I wish you every success and happiness in your chosen course and your future career .
12 I wish you every happiness in your new homeland , Alexai Ybreska , ’ he murmured , with genuine warmth .
13 Well , I wish you every success !
14 And I wish you every success in your project too .
15 However , I wish you every success in continuing to establish CCW 's reputation in Wales and the wider world .
16 I am glad we have that partnership with all of you here and it is on that note , on behalf of the government , that I wish you every possible success as you embark upon your seventy fifth year .
17 I wish you a very good evening , , replied Quintin .
18 I wish you a nice vacation .
19 I wish you a Happy Christmas and remain , Your obedient servant , Sophie PS .
20 So , I wish you a happy and healthy life and make no apology for repeating these words of Goethe :
21 And in spite of what you say , ’ she added firmly , ‘ I wish you a happy Christmas .
22 I wish you a most enjoyable holiday and hope that MKM will add to the enjoyment .
23 And so Fenella said , ‘ I wish you a safe journey , ’ and was pleased that her voice came out firm and perfectly calm , as if she was quite accustomed to seeing her brother off on a journey to the Court of a Sorceress , which would take him past all manner of weird and darkly enchanted places .
24 I wish you a profitable day . ’
25 That is one of the roles of your Association and it is what your membership fees go towards and it is there to be used and they 've done their best so I hope it will come in very useful for you for this year and I wish you a very good year .
26 Good night , miss , and I wish you the compliments of the season , I 'm sure ! ’
27 I wish you the safest of safe journeys back . ’
28 His name was Edward Greenwood , and as they all sat down , he said , ‘ I 've heard all about you from Helen and I wish you the best of luck .
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