Example sentences of "i believe [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I believed for many years that I could move towards the future and leave the past behind , that there was no need for me to return home .
2 Well then , I thought , if I believed in such a being which I had to confess I once did but no more — He ( She or It ) would certainly have to be on my side now , the game working out as it had .
3 ‘ I have decided that what I believed in most of my life was wrong , ’ says the famous Mr Winmill .
4 I was an incurable romantic and yearned for a romantic friendship before it would be too late , for I believed in those days that romantic friendship was possible only in youth .
5 No I do I I believe in that as well think you should keep a lot of er green about , looks good .
6 The place gave Johnson another whiff of anthropology : here he stood as if in Africa or Arabia , greeting wild natives in their habitat : these Macraes might have been Xhosa tribesmen , or Tuaregs : ‘ The villagers gathered about us in considerable numbers , I believe without any evil intention , but with a very savage wildness of aspect and manner . ’
7 As point of order I believe as this is a proposal of an amendment of the city board city board is the city board chair 's right of reply .
8 I have been privileged to hold office for 11 years in a series of jobs of enormous interest and I believe of some importance , especially in relation to drugs , broadcasting , the NHS and foreign affairs .
9 No , I do n't think I believe at all .
10 I believe at that time my wife Christina privately thought I was mad .
11 ‘ Isambard would hardly make him privy to what he 's done , if this is indeed his work , as I swear I believe with all my soul it is , ’ said Owen .
12 I have always been , however , and I believe with some justification , unconvinced of the virtues of taking a punt totally outside my own business .
13 So I believe in all that , Mikhail Vologsky , and I see a Russia which has none of it .
14 And you know I , I actually had phrases like bra burning thrown at me and erm I I said that feminism to me is about having the same opportunities as men and I put few of the phrases er er you know along those lines and so everybody round the table said well yes I believe in that too , I said well then you 're feminists and so it 's about valuing or devaluing words as well and you know you just made the point about changing words , but how far do we go with this ?
15 The medical booklet I mean I would I er I think I believe in that you see .
16 I believe in this happiness . ’
17 Not that I believe in this God of yours , you understand . "
18 No none of you do now but when he first suggested it everyone was up in arms and he poor old soul I remembered he said , I 've had enough change I I believe in this I I 've I 've tried I 'm too old now and out he walked .
19 I just , I , I , honestly Barry , I 've got to the stage where I believe in this conspiracy .
20 I mean , I believe in some force , but we make our own destiny …
21 I do n't know what I believe in any more , except that there must be thousands of nomes out there we do n't know about .
22 I 'm not sure what I believe in any more .
23 It 's obvious that he 's been sent some kind of message , and I believe in these things .
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