Example sentences of "that she felt [art] " in BNC.

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1 It did not feel unreasonable to her , that she felt no sorrow .
2 Shafts of sunlight gleamed through the avenue of trees , warming the air so that she felt no need to wear the jacket she had brought with her as a precaution against the temperamental nature of Danish weather , holding it casually instead over one arm , perfectly comfortable in the same linen dress she had worn the previous evening .
3 As it stole towards him , Dr Neil made no move , did not move himself or it , when she put her own hand on his , but let it lie lax , so that she felt no threat from him .
4 Dr Neil — she could not think of him as Neil — was careful to hold her in such a way that she felt no restraint , although his own self-control was slowly beginning to slip .
5 Obviously , that was not the case but it may be that Viola was so used to people thinking like that about her that she felt a need to assert herself as well .
6 ‘ I 've run away , ’ he said , staring at her with such intensity that she felt a rush of alarm .
7 Clare had planned so often the details of her own wedding , so often pictured herself , radiant in a long , white dress with train , leaning on her father 's arm , advancing with a slow , fragile step down the aisle towards Mark , handsome and smiling in morning dress , while the organ pealed and the candles and flowers blazed , and the guests beamed and whispered in the crowded pews — that she felt a surge of pity for the girl who would have nothing to remember but this sordid little ceremony .
8 It was not that she felt a need for approval , but it was disheartening that these people should show so little comprehension of the sacrifice she had made in wedding her life to theirs .
9 He said , ‘ Perhaps I have a salvation too , ’ and his voice was so low and his look so piercing that she felt a sudden clutch of fear , just as she had in the studio .
10 He returned her look with a glance so suddenly intent that she felt a flash of absurd panic , and rose hurriedly to busy herself with the teapot .
11 But Lucy 's blue eyes were so hurt that she felt a strong pang of shame .
12 One cup of tea and half a custard tart later it dawned on her that she felt a remarkable glow of well-being , for someone in her particular dilemma .
13 She would have similarly to hide from his employer the fact that she felt a wreck inside .
14 He looked completely relaxed , and she had to own that she felt a little that way herself .
15 He deliberately surrounded her protesting mouth with his , the sculpted lips so persuasive that she felt every bone in her body weakening .
16 She did n't know what she had meant , only that she felt an uncontrollable urge to thwart him .
17 And it was then , in that moment , that she felt the first twitch of anxiety .
18 He stared down at her at such length , with such kindling desire in his dark eyes , that she felt the heat flood through her , a hot , sweet eruption of desire .
19 He liked her very much , and I was sure that she felt the same about him .
20 He 'd go to her , gather her to him so that she felt the hardness of him against her .
21 Nicolo cried out her name , then gathered her close and kissed her , holding her so tightly that she felt the thundering beat of his heart .
22 And you could see just from the body-language that she felt the policemen 's warning was unjustified .
23 And you could see just from the body-language that she felt the policemen 's warning was unjustified .
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