Example sentences of "that [adv] far as " in BNC.

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1 To quote , ‘ The result — and this is the essential point — is that so far as regulation through allosteric interaction is concerned , everything is possible . ’
2 It would agree with Ayer that so far as reason is concerned , theism is nonsense .
3 I will tell you plainly that so far as I am concerned that objective is the promotion of books … . ’
4 No doubt in due course they would become equally vocal in their complaints about the French , but Thiercelin decided that so far as possible his own behaviour should be above reproach .
5 The text pronounces that so far as the words are concerned no trust is created , but then goes on to give a moral reason for holding one to have been created ; it ends by referring to a similar decision of Marcus Aurelius .
6 The means of salvaging something of the disposition is to recognize that so far as the daughter has benefited under her father 's will she may be obliged by a trust .
7 Previous sections have shown that so far as the ‘ internal ’ interpretation of dispositions was concerned trusts differed only slightly from civil-law dispositions .
8 It seemed that so far as they were concerned Meehan , guilty or innocent , could stay in Peterhead for ever .
9 It was plain enough now , from the glance he shot in the general direction of the three of them and the jeep , that so far as he was concerned they were just part and parcel of the trouble generated by the city , the days he had to spend queuing in the tax office , the months he had spent shut up in the squalid , over-crowded prison , the endless haggling with shopkeepers , the disappearance of his good-for-nothing son .
10 He seems to have recognized — at least he did not dissent from the view — that so far as England was concerned , the choice lay with the king .
11 Nevertheless , he did not deny that so far as the kingdom of England was concerned , the decision between the two rivals lay with the king .
12 I think that so far as possible we need to be able to encourage the civic authorities to take whatever is the appropriate interest .
13 I do not complain about that so far as he is concerned because no doubt it would be an additional and unnecessary expense for him .
14 Wilson later admitted that so far as the shipowners were concerned , " It was blow given and blow returned .
15 I suppose the difficulty about us is that so far as money and possessions are concerned we 're at a more primitive stage than the rest .
16 Under our system , it falls to the police to ensure that such events are organised in such a way that disorder does not ensue , and that so far as is possible , the event can take place with as little dislocation to the ordinary life of the community as is compatible with the proper exercise of freedom of speech in public .
17 Research into the operation of the new law suggests that so far as judges , prosecutors and defence counsel are concerned , consent remains an important issue .
18 Auguste repressed the traitorous thought that so far as household management went , she would prove like Mr David Copperfield 's ‘ child-wife ’ Dora .
19 Luke 's no fool ; he could see that so far as I was concerned Elise was more than just a client .
20 In Goldring 's case , the customer had done something clearly conveying to the finance company that he did not own the van and that so far as he was concerned the seller ( the trader ) had every right to sell it .
21 Robbie drew breath to vindicate herself , to tell him that she had not been unfaithful , that so far as she was concerned Hugh had ceased to exist .
22 While he did not dispute that in many cases money had been levied that was twice what was necessary for satisfactory repair , and even then that the work carried out had been slovenly or even not done at all , the great laissez-faire economist had been convinced by the turnpikes that so far as public works " for facilitating commerce in general " were concerned , " the greater part may easily be so managed as to afford a particular revenue sufficient for defraying their own expense , without bringing any burden upon the general revenue of society " .
23 Turner has demonstrated that so far as cotton weavers were concerned , associational persistence can be reconciled with only sporadic incidence , since the true foundation was the durable one of the habit of association within a " community " of workers , or indeed , in the case of the manufacturing village , within an occupational community .
24 Seisin is a root of title , and it may be said without undue exaggeration that so far as land is concerned there is in England no law of ownership , but only a law of possession .
25 I mean all I , I would like to , to say is that so far as this particular road , whatever you may call it , er is concerned , that we look at highways priorities in this committee and that we would receive an assurance that this would not be bulldozed through , if I may put it that way , erm and opposed to one two three four other major schemes which are perhaps of more importance in terms of highways rather than er a , a corporate objective .
26 If the unreasonableness produces voidness that means that so far as the law is concerned the clause has never existed : it may well then be possible to claim in tort for the restitution of money or goods although no specific action can be brought on the basis of the contractual force of the clause .
27 I think that so far as we 've got .
28 You say that so far as you 're concerned , it 's all right for children to learn if in fact they 're enjoying it and if in fact they want to and they 're not being coerced .
29 You say that so far as you 're concerned , it 's all right for children to learn if in fact they 're enjoying it and if in fact they want to and they 're not being coerced .
30 The most important feature is that so far as human hearing 's concerned , each increase of ten decibels , the loudness of the sound doubles .
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