Example sentences of "that [pers pn] understand the " in BNC.

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1 Your relationship with Janice happens to be very much my damned business , particularly now that I understand the truth ! ’
2 It 's obvious , Dame Edna , I said tactfully , that you understand the problems of the elderly .
3 When you have found a suitable place , ensure that you understand the terms involved and , if applicable , what commitment of time , money , display screens or whatever , you will have to provide .
4 One important element in this is to make certain that you understand the tariff for calls and that you only make essential calls during peak rate periods .
5 A detailed explanation of this correction is given in our book and was approved recently by Age and Ageing : ‘ If you do not feel confident that you understand the Gompertz-Makeham equation , nor the distinction between age-specific mortality and the force-of-mortality , then this book is a must for you . ’
6 So we come to you with confidence that You understand the pressures and delights of daily living with people of all ages .
7 Feedback provided by your tutor is supposed to be helpful and constructive ( " formative feedback " ) , and you stand to gain most from having comments clarified — even deciphered — where necessary , and ensuring through discussion that you understand the general perspective from which criticisms or comments are made .
8 As in all matters of financial planning perhaps the best advice is to consult an independent financial adviser unless you are truly confident that you understand the nature of these funds .
9 Only when we are sure that all possible test factors have been controlled can we feel confident that we understand the causal process at work .
10 It is clearly important that we understand the basic outlook of an individual , not because it is necessarily right , but because it determines the way that individual behaves .
11 However , it is essential that we understand the processes involved if we are to predict the behaviour of metals in such diverse environments as landfill sites , nuclear-waste repositories , rivers and the oceans .
12 We can distinguish sceptical arguments which , although they attempt to deprive us of knowledge ( or even of justified belief ) still allow that we understand the propositions whose truth we are no longer allowed to know , from those which claim that the reason why we do n't know their truth is that we can not understand them .
13 So far we have assumed that we understand the suggestion that there are minds other than our own , and asked merely how much evidence we have in its favour .
14 It is only when we remember that it has many internal parts , all obeying laws of physics at their own level , that we understand the behaviour of the whole body .
15 The less skilled are more likely to assume that they understand the other person 's point of view and that the other person has the same basic information .
16 First , it is important to check that information about Compact jobs is getting to those young people who are entitled to apply for them , and that they understand the nature of their entitlement .
17 The fact that philosophers have not yet persuaded themselves that they understand the idea that facts can be causes should not cause us to rule out all appeal to fact-causation as philosophically unsound .
18 But the equitable principles established by the authorities require , in my judgment , that creditors who take from married women security for their husband 's debts take reasonable steps to see that they understand the transactions they are entering into .
19 Talk to them about it and make sure that they understand the purpose of techniques like silent viewing and prediction .
20 It will be seen from the specimen paper that follows , that the compulsory question will require candidates to adopt a role as a junior marketing manager , and to show that they understand the basic principles of marketing management .
21 The ball raised approximately £40,000 for the Time Walker Education Endowment Fund , which will provide education for future generations so that they understand the vital importance of conservation .
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