Example sentences of "that [pers pn] believe the " in BNC.

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1 THE ELECTION has now become so thunderingly dull that I believe the viewing ratings on telly have never been lower .
2 Not that I believe the people raised this statue to me ,
3 But planetary consciousness is something I definitely do believe in , in that I believe the planet is an organism in itself
4 ‘ As an ex-sex symbol ’ , Miss Dors confessed , ‘ I usually amaze those who pose the question by saying that I believe the permissive society HAS gone too far . ’
5 I am pleased to report that I believe the various committees are working in unison to further develop the understanding between them .
6 First that I believe the causes you serve are vital to the welfare and happiness of people in this country , and that they will become more so in future .
7 The British government er not only went along with this agreement at the time of the Edinburgh summit , they positively endorsed this arrangement er as being something that they er strongly supported and urged upon other member states in the European community er and that I think is a relevant matter with respect er Mr Deputy Speaker , I I appreciate that er there are other issues relating to these er er constituencies that are of greater concern perhaps to er honourable and right honourable members but this question of who actually is to pay for any new building in the European parliament is something that I believe the government can not avoid .
8 that I believe the beginning , I was reading a letter in the paper and this person had been to see it
9 ‘ The essence of the patent for you is surely that you believe the heat is there and if it can be scaled up , as you hope it can , that is something that could have manifest benefits to everybody .
10 In many subtle ways our care demonstrates that we believe the ageing process makes independent action impossible .
11 We have publicly stated that we believe the Government should address this issue sooner rather than later and have suggested that a flexible approach to State pension age could be achieved with little additional cost to the State .
12 Our arguments on Friday , and still are , that we believe the two tier system is educationally beneficial than the three tier .
13 We have been told by the Cotswold Pig Development Company that they believe the ‘ White F1 hybrid sows ’ would stand up to outdoor conditions .
14 If we study drug addicts , they will surely tell us and we will be bound to report that they believe the outsiders who judge them are wrong and inspired by low motives .
15 The police have indicated that they believe the Tamil Tigers were responsible for the bomb , but people are sceptical : Mr Premadasa was the closest thing the Tigers had to a political friend .
16 The latter is a widespread contemporary attitude among those known as members of the ‘ New Right ’ , which condemns the ‘ culture of dependency ’ that they believe the welfare state engenders and instead favours a market economy in which initiative is rewarded .
17 I am willing to talk to anyone who comes to me with a proposed solution that they believe the House would accept — including the hon. Member for Kingston upon Hull , West and other Labour Members .
18 And the RUC have reiterated a warning made two months ago that they believe the terrorists have large stocks of explosives .
19 Members of the senior management within the health service have The Northern Echo that they believe the merger question will crop up once the purchasing consortiums have begun operating .
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