Example sentences of "that [pers pn] take the " in BNC.

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1 If you move straight from chapter 5 to chapter 8 you will get a stark contrast between two theories of justification , and all you need to know for the moment is that I take the intervening chapters to provide a reason against any form of foundationalism .
2 ‘ It is only fair that I take the criticism .
3 ‘ Dhia , what more do you want of me , Lachlan Cattanach , that you take the trouble to lie to me so ?
4 That you take the best possible care of yourself to avoid ill-health .
5 To fully understand how these work it is vitally important that you take the time to compare the notes in the phrases to those in the accompanying chord progressions .
6 There have been spells back in Harefield , particularly last year , but the one true lesson is that life goes on , with the proviso that you take the medication every day — without fail .
7 " On condition that you take the Gristy girl in and give her a home . "
8 suggests that you take the easiest and safest route through the roundabout .
9 So the lump that you take the lum the the part of the enhancement that is the lump sum
10 I suggest that you take the opportunity to introduce yourself to who is Senior Waterkeeper at Gladhouse .
11 ‘ I would ask however that the next time you attempt plagiarize said that you take the opportunity of confirming your remarks to someone you know rather than one you purport to . ’
12 Because of that , it is important that we take the right steps at the right time to ensure the right results .
13 I may be wrong , but it is on this doubtful premise that we take the ferry and alight from it in Skye .
14 It must not be thought that such differences are mere matters of imagination , and that we take the sensations to be different because we represent each of them to ourselves as occupying a different place .
15 With children , the presupposition is that we take the responsibility until they show us that they want it ; with adults we assume that they take the responsibility unless they show us that they do n't .
16 Colleagues , perhaps I could explain to you , er , how we 're gon na deal with the rest of the programme , certainly in the , the next hour or so er , I 'm proposing that we take the special report , Health , Safety and the Environment Service Review be asking Nigel to move the report to be seconded by Fred from the central executive council we 'll then invite speakers from all the regions and then we 'll put the report to the vote .
17 The key is that we take the issue seriously .
18 We need to ensure that we take the opportunity to look hard enough at the decisions which are to b er , to be made , to reassess how our training is to be provided .
19 Well , can I suggest that we look at Simon 's document and go through it and respond that we take the three proposals that Jenny has tabled , review and agree or decide to adjust and ask Stella and Rita to prepare for the next meeting documents then as assignments ?
20 erm the format for these is one of four lectures , in which we revise in the first lecture ideas that are round about sixth form level and then in two lectures following that we take the teacher through , very quickly , the kind of coverage that we give to the topic in the university .
21 With children , the presupposition is that we take the responsibility until they show us that they want it ; with adults we assume that they take the responsibility unless they show us that they do n't .
22 It is perhaps characteristic of the hon. Members for Rother Valley and for Holborn and St. Pancras ( Mr. Dobson ) that they take the most pessimistic scenario and present it as fact .
23 The Magistrates took that into account when imposing the sentence , but warned the girl that they take the offence extremely seriously .
24 Certainly , so far as we can see , he took no steps to promote the interests of his younger son , apart from not insisting that he take the cross .
25 But custom , who holds all things in her grip , especially the train of courtship in the Noonday of Italy , demanded that he take the initiative in wooing and she remain wordless , especially in company .
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