Example sentences of "for the sake [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and all this , just for the sake over a bit of retaliation ?
2 Rome is seen to continue on its headlong path to misery and sin , a symbol of the rejection of Christ for the sake of human idols .
3 I would not to-morrow , for the sake of a united Ireland , give up the policy of trying to make this a really Irish Ireland — not by any means .
4 Each of the organisations involved has its own particular viewpoint , none of which has been stifled for the sake of consistent unanimity .
5 Try to keep drinking to a minimum when you are pregnant , for the sake of your own health and your baby 's .
6 For the sake of a scrap of paper .
7 Dreaming of the hashish and the sunshine he said , ‘ You left all that sun for the sake of these grey clouds and this miserable country ? ’
8 It was felt that the new clock should have a British movement for the sake of authenticity and because of its historic associations .
9 After Diaghilev 's death composers seemed reluctant to create what Edwin Evans said they called ‘ accompaniments to dance ’ , because they ‘ preferred to create the new for the sake of being new ’ .
10 For the sake of convenience I shall apply the term la nouvelle critique to the complex of ideas emerging from the Paris of the 1960s , including many diverse strands : the ‘ classical ’ structuralism of the early Barthes , the poststructuralism of his later work , the deconstructionism of Derrida , and whatever name one gives to the work of Foucault and Lacan , in taxonomic historiography and dissident psychoanalysis respectively .
11 Among the blest , ‘ Lady Aberconway was put in to please me ’ , and ‘ Madame Strindberg , who ran the Club of the Golden Calf for the sake of the set , could hardly escape a favourable mention . … ’
12 But Dr Runcie 's ideas of a limited primacy — recognising the Pope as a central figure in the Christian Church , who would exercise ‘ a primacy for the sake of unity and mission ’ — have been rejected as insufficient by the Pope .
13 It was as well that she did because she had forfeited most of her private life for the sake of her chosen career .
14 It is high time to abandon that caricature , too long perpetuated by dictionary definitions such as the one you quote from Chambers , both for the sake of historical justice and because , in the present as in the past , anti-Pharisaism and anti-Judaism have a nasty way of feeding on each other .
15 However , while the growth of the international financial system would seem to imply the need for increasingly centralised decision-making , individual countries were unlikely to be willing to relinquish the freedom to conduct their own economic affairs for the sake of the greater international good .
16 Mugabe exhorts them to remember the sacrifices made in the war for the sake of Zimbabwe , but young people are seldom interested in a previous generation 's sacrifices — as he could have learned from history .
17 Kohl pleads for reform for the sake of European stability
18 But this is not an attempt to be controversial for the sake of it .
19 Two years on , Cleveland should be allowed to move from anger and denial to acceptance and compassion — for the sake of children and the people abusing them , both of whom need effective help .
20 He had already accepted the need for reunion of churches in South India and agreed with Archbishop Michael Ramsey 's view that risks should be taken for the sake of Gospel .
21 Quelle horreur : many 's the time I have found myself torn between throwing people like him out and putting up with them for the sake of the cash-till .
22 Hence it should be no surprise that ordinary policemen and women come to feel that the police management and the government do not care that the risks associated with routine policing in a divided society are borne primarily by them : that the ordinary policeman and woman can be sacrificed for the sake of wider goals , the purpose of which they often have difficulty in comprehending .
23 On 7 September he delivered a television broadcast in which he claimed that , for the sake of the economy and the national wellbeing , the election would be postponed to some time in 1979 .
24 Was it possible that for the sake of prayer and guidance of souls he had a calling to the unmarried state ?
25 She was relieved , for the sake of the parish , when he rang her up in 1940 to say that he was leaving .
26 The system ran well for the sake of the Church .
27 Garbett said that he thought it would be right to go to London , for the sake of the Church ; that he longed for him to come to York , for the sake of himself , he wanted Ramsey as his successor .
28 Garbett said that he thought it would be right to go to London , for the sake of the Church ; that he longed for him to come to York , for the sake of himself , he wanted Ramsey as his successor .
29 At present , too many of the sacrifices are being borne by those who , for the sake of posterity , should least be called upon to make them .
30 The study of something for its own sake , for the sake of knowing , understanding , grasping it and for nothing else , is an essential characteristic of education , lower or higher , though more obviously of higher education .
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