Example sentences of "for the benefit of " in BNC.

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1 Individual householders , faced with the prospects of a water rate , showed as little enthusiasm for the benefits of water ( and with it sewage disposal ) in the home , so that when the Empire ended only half the city 's houses had running water .
2 We also have a few little phrases in the UN 's so-called Global Plan of Action for Marine Mammals which give us a small hook on which to hang international actions for the benefits of both whales and seals .
3 no withholding tax on dividends received from EC subsidiaries under the terms of the EC parent/subsidiary directive ( the UK and Denmark have agreed that Gibraltar companies qualify for the benefits of the directive ; other countries still have to indicate their stance ) ;
4 Unfortunately , although the case for the benefits of the retrospective conversion of the Library 's General Catalogue was accepted , SOED did not find it possible to fund the project in 1991–92 .
5 In other words , run off the business for the benefits of existing policyholders .
6 Major claims have ben made for the benefits of the National Curriculum but much concern has also been expressed at possible negative effects on schools and children .
7 Reports of escaped convicts and savage blacks were rife , although no doubt exaggerated for the benefits of the pink-cheeked ‘ pomegranates ’ arriving fresh from England .
8 I mean the trouble with group selectionistic thinking is you , you completely discount the costs that some people pay for the benefits of others and so oh well , you know everybody benefits from mothers erm having children and sacrificing themselves to their offspring .
9 Yet the more heavily regulated the market is , and the greater the restrictions on the property rights given to suppliers , the less scope there is for the benefits of competition to emerge at all .
10 rarely need to advertise and the there for the benefits of our clients .
11 Leading up on this as the members state at the E C , I believe we should not only have for the benefits of the European legislation to protect employees , but also to seek , form and strengthen links with the European union .
12 The Symposium considered how the Church can communicate more effectively to young people today for the benefit of their safety and emotional health .
13 possess any secret official code word , or password , or sketch , plan , model , article , note , document or information which relates to or is used in a prohibited place or anything in such a place , or which has been made or obtained in contravention of this Act , or which has been entrusted in confidence to him by any person holding office under Her Majesty or which he has obtained or to which he has had access owing to his position as a person who is or has been employed under a person who holds or has held such an office or contract — [ and who ] ( a ) communicates the code word , pass word , sketch , plan , model , article , note , document , or information to any person other than a person to whom he is authorised to communicate it , or a person to whom it is in the interest of the State his duty to communicate it , or ( aa ) uses the information in his possession for the benefit of any foreign power or in any other manner prejudicial to the safety or interests of the State , or ( b ) retains the sketch , plan , model , article , note , or document in his possession or control when he has no right to retain it or when it is contrary to his duty to retain it , or fails to comply with all directions issued by lawful authority with regard to the return or disposal thereof , or …
14 Most running lines used by Railfreight are shared with at least one other sector , though there is a not insignificant mileage which exists purely for the benefit of freight .
15 Very few men do have any moments whatever , and for the benefit of such readers as have not sufficiently respected Mr Binyon for his , it would be well to set forth a few of them .
16 ‘ If Haines recommended the Jockey Club should be abolished we would have to consider it and if we felt it was for the benefit of racing we would do it , ’ Lord Hartington said .
17 NHS At the Conservative Party Conference in 1986 , Norman Fowler , then Secretary of State for Health , was loudly cheered on producing a long computer printout of 380 new ‘ large hospital schemes ’ costing £3bn , which he unrolled over the rostrum for the benefit of photographers from newspapers which had criticised the Tories ' record on the NHS .
18 For a start , much of that earlier patronage was for the benefit of the patrons and not of the public .
19 There was undoubtedly a case for a small increase in numbers for the benefit of both divisions of the court .
20 Much of what we saw related discouragingly to familiar bad habits , a thought that occurred , not for the first time , to George Cohen , who for the benefit of younger readers made a notable contribution to the history of English football when turning out in the 1966 World Cup final .
21 At the close of 1921 the Soviet government ordered a survey of church valuables , and in a decree of 16 February 1922 commanded that they should be collected and sold for the benefit of those suffering from the Famine .
22 Military units were to stage a show depicting victories over counter-revolutionaries for the benefit of invited workers .
23 The Association is pleased to continue this work to maintain these close ties for the benefit of the Royal Air Force ‘ family ’ .
24 Obviously in many cases the car is a ‘ family car ’ and as long as it is generally used for the benefit of the disabled person it can be treated as any normal family car .
25 Many benefactors , especially those remembering lost loved ones , like to leave property , money or other possessions for the benefit of a particular Royal Air Forces Association home , project or fund .
26 It is run by musicians for the benefit of musicians .
27 Managing director Peter Mitchell said : ‘ We feel that our museum would be the most desirable place to keep this material , for the benefit of future generations . ’
28 Amateurs wanted to get off to the country for the weekend rather than performing for the benefit of playing spectators .
29 Dante could turn aside from his most sublime passages of religious contemplation to hone a gratuitous insult for the benefit of Florentine families whom he happened to dislike .
30 I wonder what you will say in answer to this letter ; I shall await your reply with some anxiety , for if our letters go into the waste paper basket we shall be unable to continue our many services for the benefit of those who are blind .
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