Example sentences of "for the purpose [prep] " in BNC.

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31 ‘ A company would be highly unlikely to get a journalist into court for the purpose of getting information about someone they had a claim against , ’ said Mr Michael , an American lawyer specialising in international media law .
32 Lord Justice Watkins said the Divisional Court could review an order of the magistrates ' court made for the purpose of preventing an abuse of its process and had done so on a number of occasions .
33 Mrs Virginia Bottomley , the Health Minister of State , said the tests would help assess the prevalence of the virus in the population for the purpose of planning health education and the provision of services .
34 Here you remember that Common Law would not recognize the assignment ; Equity in effect would , by compelling the assignor to lend the use of his name to the assignee for the purpose of suing the debtor , or , in the last resort , allowing the assignee to sue directly against the debtor , but requiring him , as a rule , to make the assignor a defendant .
35 In partnership , which is ‘ the relation which subsists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit ’ , every partner is an agent of the firm and of the other partners for the purpose of the business of the partnership .
36 All this could be done by giving a life estate to the head of the family ; with the remainder to his sons successively in tail-male , with remainder to the daughters in tail , subject to a rentcharge in favour of the life tenant 's widow upon his death , and in favour of any other persons desired to be benefited ; and with power to the trustees to create long leases in the property for the purpose of charging the lease in order to provide portions for younger sons and daughters who did not inherit the land .
37 For the purpose of establishing the rate at which inheritance tax is payable , all property ( with certain exceptions ) passing on the death is aggregated together .
38 So , too , the Factors Act 1889 protects persons who receive goods in good Kith and for value from a mercantile agent to whom goods have been entrusted by the owner for the purpose of being sold or pledged .
39 On Monday I received a circular from a building society urging me , a valued customer , to borrow money for the purpose of investing in the development of a feature film called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle The Lambada Pantie Karaoke Tricksters .
40 He invented the morning press conference for the purpose of calling an afternoon press conference to say he expected to make a shattering announcement later in the day . ’
41 An expatriate Iranian satirist , Hadi Khorsandi , later claimed in fun to have had the ear of Rafsanjani , who told him that his discussions with McFarlane ‘ were meant only for him to practise the English language … all the contacts he had had with Americans over the past year had been made for the purpose of learning irregular verbs . ’
42 They have no difficulty in imagining , for example , that there are thousands of people at large in Britain who are in the habit of aborting babies specifically for the purpose of eating them and they argue , ingeniously , that the lack of forensic evidence of satanic abuse can itself be read as proof of the existence of Satan .
43 This was that although the District would be explicitly recognised as the Responsible Body for Chapter III courses throughout the rural areas scheme , if any class wished to have a Chapter III category course organised by the Cambridge Board the WEA would agree to the Board assuming providing powers for the purpose of meeting the wishes of the students in the class .
44 Through a system of ‘ Citizen Schools ’ Highlander slowly helped establish a methodology of non-formal adult education in which the students were able to relate to the subject which they needed to learn — in this case the desire to learn to read for the purpose of being able to vote .
45 In the second half of the session , course leaders sponsor participants to an evening at the pub for the purpose of practising drinking skills and purchasing non-alcoholic drinks .
46 It is established for the purpose of correction and oversight .
47 These excellent distance learner texts could be used on a modular basis , allowing candidates to study for the purpose of expanding their knowledge to obtain a qualification , or to meet the needs of their work .
48 Chamberlain returned to Britain and publicly proclaimed ‘ Peace in our time ’ but he had by now realised that Hitler 's word could not be trusted , so he endeavoured to form an alliance with Russia against Germany , the fear of Communism being overcome by the greater fear of Nazi domination , However , Poland refused to agree to Russian troops having the right to cross Polish territory for the purpose of attacking Germany from the east , so an effective alliance was impracticable and Russia became isolated from that proposed pact .
49 The committees meet but rarely , they have no effective party divisions , they engage in generalised debate , relying on the work of individual rapporteurs for the purpose of acquiring more federalist powers .
50 On the contrary , the federation or confederation of states , whether for the purpose of pursuing common goals , ensuring common defence from a foreign power or in order to come to terms with a powerful neighbour , is as old as the federation of the city states of ancient Greece .
51 Following the Rogers decision , an amendment was made to the law requiring LEAs to make such transport arrangements as they deem necessary for the purpose of facilitating the attendance of pupils at school .
52 A conference , in which the Church of England , representatives of principal religious traditions in the area , teachers ' associations and the LEA may be represented , is to be drawn up by the LEA for the purpose of agreeing the syllabus .
53 See , for example , B. Friedman 's report to the Canadian Law Reform Commission which surveys the writing on the subject , and endorses an analysis of consent as a knowing action for the purpose of developing a legal doctrine concerning the assumption of risk .
54 the development of reading and information-retrieval strategies for the purpose of study ;
55 For the purpose of reporting assessment , we also believe that the profile components should have equal weighting at key stages 1 to 3 , but that in key stage 4 heavier weighting should be given to reading and writing — in the ratio of approximately 40:40:20 for Reading , Writing , Speaking and listening respectively ( see chapter 14 ) .
56 Inner city redevelopment facilities will be available for tarmac tracks , specifically for the purpose of hotting .
57 Here a simple conceptualisation as is serviceable for the purpose of this book is made and it follows the main elements of Miliband 's [ 1969 ] .
58 In something of an afterthought the Irish News of 15 August 1966 recorded that ‘ a discussion took place on the desirability of holding a convention on civil rights for the purpose of drawing up a civil rights chart ’ .
59 For better or worse , it is a de-historicized ‘ history ’ : a reservoir of literary and cultural materials that can be drawn on precisely for the purpose of making novels ; a reservoir , more exactly , of cultures , themes , characters , rhetorical forms , stereotypes and structures …
60 Cost centres : Each operational area of a department should be identified and treated as an independent unit for the purpose of accountancy with all items of cleaning expenditure identified .
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