Example sentences of "for himself [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Kenrick Wynne-Jones was altogether less turbulent He understood the art of getting along with politicians , and found a power base for himself through friendship with the Labour leaders of the day from the North , such as Ted short and Lord Glenamara .
2 The effect of s80 is that if , for instance , the settlor creates a trust for himself for life and then his son for life or absolutely that in order for the trust to be an excluded property trust the settlor must not be domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time when the settlement is created and nor must he be domiciled in the United Kingdom ( and this would include deemed domiciled in the United Kingdom ) at the time of his death .
3 Gould also made a considerable name for himself at home , finally attaining the scientific status he had yearned for as an ornithologist , on or off the field .
4 She helps William Ernest with his reading and encourages him to stick up for himself at school .
5 But the ever-smiling Adams , who has been dogged by a catalogue of injuries over the past two years , was in no mood to feel sorry for himself at Party Politics ' home-coming , attended by more than 500 people in Upper Lambourn yesterday .
6 When he moved abruptly to cover her , to force a place for himself on top of her , levering her legs wider to open her body to him , his coarse , muscled weight was a blissful assuagement of hunger , a hunger burning through her so fiercely that she felt almost faint …
7 Anything else he needed , he should work out for himself with Hurley .
8 ‘ Here this son brought undue pressures on his parents for the benefit of the plaintiffs , and for himself of course , because he wanted the loan .
9 He is an individual Who through constructive and progressive training can be encouraged to think increasingly for himself in order to carry out his role as an infantryman .
10 The more varied or diversified the business of the client , and the larger the amount of insurance to be placed , the more likely it is that he will look around the market for himself in order to obtain the best terms .
11 But he had provided a double failsafe mechanism for himself in case he accidently pressed the wrong key while accessing the code .
12 He was all the more able to claim the triumph for himself in view of the fact that General Mola , leader of the Army of the North and " Director " of the 1936 conspiracy , was killed in an air crash on 3 June 1937 .
13 John soon made a niche for himself in Palace 's defence , making his debut at home to Bristol Rovers ( 1–0 ) the day after his signature had been obtained , and scoring his first goal for us in the 8–2 FA Cup demolition of Harwich and Parkstone three weeks later .
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